Yeah its closed source because the devs don’t want people to fork the project for some reason. I thought the app had pretty good user experience when I used it but I am more of a vimwiki type of guy.
Yeah its closed source because the devs don’t want people to fork the project for some reason. I thought the app had pretty good user experience when I used it but I am more of a vimwiki type of guy.
Obsidian, its pretty pro user but the devs are scared of forks for some reason.
I use audacious. It’s perfect.
I bought board months ago but never figured it out. It feels like the company has abandoned the product and all the support forums for it are filled with bots talking about their favorite blog
IRC? Matrix? XMPP?
I was given a phone quite young but completely discarded it after I bought myself a thinkpad. No need for it when I can be comfortable on my Arch setup. I think the amount of brain damage could be severely reduced if they only had access to a family PC or something. Most kids probably wouldn’t even touch the PC until way later.
Quake 3 Arena or if you don’t want to pay/pirate just install openarena. OpenArena should come be in your distros packages
Yes but under the hood, IOS is using a filesystem. Hiding helpful details is not the same as simply being a different way to use a computer. One actively makes the computer harder to use.
Alright I solved it by just chrooting in again and deleted and reinstalled linux-firmware.
I see iwlwifi.
I haven’t graduated high school yet and even I know how to calculate sin and cos with the taylor series maclurin expansion. I am still in grade 11 and I assume they would be teaching it next year when I take my calculus class? Do they not teach it anymore?
If anyone is wondering why this is abbreviation for it, it is because the full name for pound weight in latin is libra poundo. We use the libra part for the abbrievation into lbs but pounds for the actual common name.
No, the USA has always been at war with Eurasia. Oh wait sorry that was yesterday. You are right. The USA has always been at war with Eastasia. What were we talking about again? bb plusgood.
Simplicity of design. Rust is built cleverly. It has lots of features and there are also tons of clever ways to solve a problem. Odin is quite simple and although not entirely minimalistic, it is written in a very clear way when approaching a problem. The borrow checker in rust in one thing I would call clever. It takes time to get used and although can be quite useful for safety it is too clever.
Rust is a better C++ replacement than C. Something like Odin would fit the mold better than Rust ever will.
Except the school prepares the children with none of that in its current state. Those chromebooks are incredibly locked to the point of being practically useless beyond searching stuff on google. We have still have textbooks at my school but most people prefer the pdf version. Most of the kids at my school are incredibly tech illiterate to the point of not knowing how the filesystem works. Most of them have used mobile devices as their primary computers and use laptops just as a glorified browser.