If the post is not a joke, your grammar definitely is
If the post is not a joke, your grammar definitely is
Asking “why” only makes sense in the context of a conscious decision, unless you accept something like “because the Big Bang happened” as an answer.
Which of them?
Americans invented neither the car not the computer.
Most of them
I suppose he was referring to the general “this is fine” attitude.
Germans, being efficient, just call it “veh”
Not complete without curl wttr.in
He respectfully taught you how to improve, you ought to say thank you.
The same as 40 years ago
Stop getting older. Besides that, not much of a chance I’m afraid.
Great suggestion when you are the IT admin, lol
Yes, except where it doesn’t, which you have to remember, which makes it just another annoyance.
Same here😁 but somehow the rest of the world doesn’t quite get it.
The year of Linux on desktop
Not totally sure what you mean, but does this count? https://youtu.be/VbEMgnklKkA
In dubio pro reo. Innocent until proven guilty. I thought that was in the universal declaration of human rights or something. Stunned to learn that any country that calls itself democratic could do otherwise.
Or, from another perspective: many people in my country take so much for granted, not knowing how lucky they are.
Repeat that when you are in said situation.