“If only someone had a gun then they could have shot him”
Forgetting that he would have then likely had a gun himself and we end up at the exact same situation in the US with Mass Shootings happening so regularly it doesn’t even make national news.
“If only someone had a gun then they could have shot him”
Forgetting that he would have then likely had a gun himself and we end up at the exact same situation in the US with Mass Shootings happening so regularly it doesn’t even make national news.
I believe Framework said they are looking into fixes for this issue, either with firmware patches or if neccesary a hardware revision of the USB A module. Current workaround is just to not put USB A into those two back slots.
They were talking about the usb modules. The back two on either side (the ones closest to the screen) have an issues where the USB 4 Type C to USB A adapter is not fully going to sleep when nothing is plugged in. So ArsTechnica’s reviewer most likely had one of the USB A modules plugged into those two USB 4 ports which causes their apparent poor battery life.
Mass killings are always going to happen. The difference is that it’s a lot harder to kill a lot of people with a knife than it is with a automatic handgun or rifle. Effective range of a knife is maybe 1-2 metres. Effective range of a gun is hundreds of metres.