Have they fixed everything their app update broke yet? That would go a long way towards consumer confidence and getting people to invest in any more of the Sonos ecosystem.
Have they fixed everything their app update broke yet? That would go a long way towards consumer confidence and getting people to invest in any more of the Sonos ecosystem.
Belarus, Russia, North Korea
The guy you responded to already said friends of Trump.
I just wish I had something useful to add.
Used beancount with fava for a little while but it didn’t really stick.
PHP is kind of a plus
That’s not something you hear very often.
How does blocking Linux benefit them?
Then you followed it up with:
I don’t want my children even using devices at all for any purpose
So the comment you’re replying to wasn’t taking some giant leap in logic.
Where are you going to draw the line on what kids should be allowed to use on homework? A slide rule for math? A four function calculator? Matlab? How about research papers? Is Wikipedia allowed or should their family be required to have a printed encyclopedia?
You said earlier that you had to go to the library or the computer lab when you were a kid. You know what they’re going to do at the library? Sit in front of a computer and pull up Google. How is that any better/different than just giving them an access point to use from home other than now they don’t need to find a ride to the library?
I really can’t see the point of encryption on local only connections
Browsers are starting to get pissy about http and once you have it done once it’s like a half dozen lines to add caddy to whatever docker project you’re spinning up.
c/hydrohomies ?
Can AI tell me how and when to hydrate?
We may be talking across each other here. Or I may be wrong about the details.
Instead of
- 8080:9090
You can use
- 9090
And that port will only be usable on the declared caddy_network, so caddy could still reverse proxy to it but nothing from outside will be able to access it.
And perhaps make it a good habit to bind ports to by default
I think you can also use expose instead of ports in the compose file to only make them available on the internal docker network.
It was a lot easier before signal ditched sms.
It looks like your thingsboard container is listening on 9090 internally. Try pointing caddy to that port.
“Hi Abidan, it’s Don. I need you to pick up some Amazon gift cards for me.”
BCC: vlad
I’m on Android, so I can’t speak to how iPhones handle it, but installed the ente app on the phones, pointed it to my instance and picked which folders on the phone to keep backed up.
I’m not sure they have a way to do that automatically. It’s more of an alternative to Google Photos or iCloud.
My wife and I were each running out of space on Google Photos and used Google’s takeout function to get all of our pictures from Google and then bulk upload them to my self-hosted ente instance. I’m not sure if/how Apple offers that kind of functionality.
ente is pretty great.
By the time you need them they’ll all be dry and you’ll go buy five more. Like a chump.
How’d that work out for tumblr?