Some weird, German communist, hello. He/him pronouns and all that. Obsessed with philosophy and history, secondarily obsessed with video games as a cultural medium. Also somewhat able to program.
Oof, that is really unfortunate behaviour there. I know moderating can be tough and sometimes emotionally charged, but this really seems like overstepping their boundaries to the detriment of the community. Especially considering I know how much work you have been and are doing for fediverse growth and content.
Also, might be interesting to crosspost this to ! - although the community there can sometimes flipflop from actually interesting and insightful to slightly toxic.
Sadly, as I’m not from the US, it would not really help me (in fact, make it harder). Funnily enough, Iceland was actually occupied by the US during World War II - which they did pre-emptively, worrying the Nazis may pull off another stunt like with Norway and endanger shipping from there if they don’t.
God damn, if I had the money, I’d escape to Iceland. Has been a dream for a long time now, but it just gets more and more desirable.
It isn´t the same, but feels related:
The sauce you get from Sauerbraten is sooooo good, too - goes well with any veggies and/or pasta to eat alongside it.
Oof, I know many people will have an intuitive reaction of “how can you be so stupid” - but even without seeing issues, I can imagine myself on a bad day with ADHD active to mistake packaging like that, not noticing until it’s too late. Add to that, that eye drops are of course often used because of sight issues, and mistaking it gets even easier. The packaging really should change with some regulations that make it harder to mix up.
Another reason why it is so great, that the US currently has the ability to create sane and helpful regulations, with institutions funded to design them and make sure they are followed, right? /s