Anybody surprised to this must clearly have never looked up any news whatsoever about Communist China once in their life. This kinda stuff is probably common enough that it makes American 3 letter agencies wanna end their lives in embarrassment.
I am Zach, AKA AceFuzzLord, AKA Dizzy Devil Ducky!
Anybody surprised to this must clearly have never looked up any news whatsoever about Communist China once in their life. This kinda stuff is probably common enough that it makes American 3 letter agencies wanna end their lives in embarrassment.
I don’t really have a solid stance on it. Case by case, country by country. But at least a country that has citizens that have gone through a little bit of service have people who are at least slightly more knowledgeable on how to defend themselves in case they need to rebel or defend themselves with a gun (so long as the people remember their training).
Probably one winter where the power went out for maybe a couple weeks. It was kinda annoying because at one point the people on the other side of the street got power because they are on a different part of the grid. I can remember sitting in the living room watching a video when suddenly the lamp turns on. Immediately called my parents to let them know the good news.
In October, the Vatican and China extended an accord on the appointment of Catholic bishops in China…
The absolute funniest thing about that is the Vatican is literally letting atheists call the shots on who can be a bishop over in China.
Oh, and good on President Lai. Taiwan standing up for itself is definitely important and more countries should recognize it because it is a country by every metric.
Link saved. Definitely gonna see how this progresses so I might get one in the future.
This was the exact same line of thinking I went down.
The only suggestion I could think of is Chicken Run (either 1 or 2) based off of the fact there’s a Wallace & Gromet film on the list.
Definitely not thousands worth of content if the DVDs I’ve been seeing if certain series are to be used as a judge point, but definitely a lot of digital piracy because I ain’t paying streaming prices for more than old late 2000s, early 2010s style netflix where I can get everything on one service for a real good price.
Also cannot say my piracy has done anywhere near 0.0000000000001% of the damage to the gaming industry that something like SBI or just triple AAA titles in general have self inflicted on themselves over the past few years.
So long as I can replace parts like battery and storage, my Steam Deck. That, and pretty much all the consoles I currently have.
When he gets to the point where he needs life support, I hope some child who needed that wi-fi hotspot and couldn’t get it, because that loser got his way, is able to block his life support. Nothing of value would be lost.
For me, as someone who has at least learned a little bit of Japanese, the more complex a character is, the more likely it is I would personally love a slightly bigger font to make sure I am correct on what the character is if it’s kanji. Same thing applies for me to Chinese Hanzin (regardless of whether it’s simplified or traditional). That, and for ツ (tsu) and シ (shi) in katakana because my brain has difficulty telling the difference if the font is small enough.
I technically only played my first pokemon game (official) on emulator around 2020, despite my brother having gen 1, so I wouldn’t feel too bad about that personally.
Anyways, some people would probably look at me weird for never having played games like any Resident Evil games or any of the Mass Effect games or really many games like them (BioShock series not included, love those games). Same thing for anything Final Fantasy (excluding 10 on PS2, which I never finished and lost the memory card with my save file). Name just about any game over the past decade that won awards at a big game show and there’s a real good chance I’ve never played them once. Never played on a Wii U (a blessing), Xbox past 360, or anything past PS3.
I have also never seen most of the marvel Rickey Rats owned films. Same with a lot of live action films. Name a real popular one to come out over the past decade, maybe decade and a half, and I probably have not seen it (Sonic not included because I actually enjoyed the first couple and cannot wait to eventually see the third despite the VA of Shadow). Hell, even growing up I didn’t watch many live action films because I just didn’t care compared to the amazing world of animated cartoons, so my knowledge of live action films is a lot lower than my cartoon knowledge.
Speaking of cartoons/animation, I have never watched a single episode of Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, Kono Suba, or JoJo, among an absolutely massive list of anime that currently have relevance and such that are currently popular and in people’s minds. Also never seen influential older stuff like YuYu Hakusho or Fist of the North Star either.
Assuming I could create magic items, definitely a magic pen that allows me and only me to grant wishes that don’t have a monkey’s paw twist to them nor have genie trickery to them.
All the images I have bookmarked on multiple devices from e621, any game I’ve been even possibly hesitating on pirating, all my Steam games (I don’t trust Inwouldnhe able to get in and install them if I could even get into my account to begin with at that point), and downloading every single song I have saved on yt and Newpipe because I’d never see them again.
A whole slew of things.
Depending on what I’m looking for, eBay has been great for finding used CDs, games, and electronics for a lot cheaper than anywhere else. As for the other 2, you’ll just get cheap quality junk that might even be harmful (as with the case of the Australian child who got seriously harmed by a temu product).
Closest I have to any of those skills are a single college course on intro to Python, poor digital art skills, and my writing used to be much better in highschool. Now my writing is pretty bland in comparison because somewhere along the line that spark kinda got lost.
I also don’t have much skills in project management. Nor would I trust myself to end up not take the money and run if I ran a funding campaign. It’s why I usually don’t jot down ideas like these.
I have had plenty of game ideas in my head that I know could never become a reality since I ain’t got the skills or money to make them happen.
One idea is essentially a game for the Luanti engine where it’s pretty much you crash-land on Earth, maybe a thousand or so years into the future as someone meant to see how Earth is and if it’s habitable again. It would play like one of those quest based mod packs for m*necraft. In this one, you’d essentially be dealing with resource shortages and fighting mainly just robots and whatever very sparse mutated animal life is left on the planet. Throughout the game you’d find different crest like things that would give you various animal based powers. Goal would be collect them all and beat all the bosses.
Another idea I’ve had is essentially a clone of the Ankama chess autobattler style game Krosmaga. In both games you’d select a character followed by your deck and fight against either a CPU or another player. Instead of followers of the deities in Krosmaga, you’d be taking the role of different anthro animal tribes. Biggest reason I’d wanna make that is so you avoid having to constantly be connected to the Internet just to play it, like you have to do with Krosmaga. Also to add features that should already be a thing in Krosmaga (being able to choose to battle your friend by connecting to them directly instead of the random player matchmaking they do in Krosmaga).
Staying indoors as much as physically possible while going about my time as normal. Got chores or work to do? Business as usual. No work? Just trying to keep busy either on my phone or one of my many electronics (business as usual). Have to walk the dogs? I better make it quick because the cold is not for me.
If anything, I’m just glad I’m not experiencing a winter like last year where there were subzero temperatures and wind making it even worse. Because that kept me wanting to spend zero time outside in any situation. At least this winter I can feel decent about going outside, especially since there’s no snow and ice everywhere.
I’ve personally never won anything. I’ve entered maybe 1 or 2 of those contests yt people I watch/used to watch did where you go to the link and click on all the social media junk in hopes of winning a console, but never did win anything.
But a real long time ago my brother did win some contest. I think it was a radio contest but I don’t remember nor care much about it. Won some free martial arts lessons (probably just karate but I don’t remember). I think it was maybe 1-2 of them or something else as a promotion progresses something. I don’t fully remember because this was well over a decade ago.
IDK what’s up, but I can’t even find that SayNoToNazis community anymore. The single post on there from a community member had a ton of removed messages when I found it.
I checked the mod log on my app and it isn’t saying anything about my comment being removed. I had made a comment about how their post invited me to finally look up what their instance is all about and finding one sdf(dot)org, which lead to a rabbit hole as one of their listed members is apparently some Old Line Primitive Baptists group, who seem like a weird religious group to me (not cult like but not normal). Tried replying to a message on my comment, but it wasn’t working. Reloaded the app thinking it’s an issue on my end, and the whole post vanished.