Good. The way Canadian mining companies treat the rest of the world is a scandal.
Good. The way Canadian mining companies treat the rest of the world is a scandal.
I firmly believe that our connection to the U.S. has held us back in all facets of development including health care, technology, and defence. We’ve compared ourselves to the states instead of the best the world has to offer and we’ve grown complacent. I’m afraid that whatever happens in the next few years will be a shit show with Canada achieving a degree of independence at the expense of the environment and First Nations, but I hope we can do better than we have in the past, and looking outside our immediate sphere is a start.
Fuck it. They’re an intelligence hazard and that’s cheap in government terms.
Then he can also fuck himself along with his traitor buddy.
They would never disobey their “commander in chief” no matter how demented.
The U.S. is Bizarro World.
Yep. Cancelled plans to attend a conference and visit family. Never again.
Good to see, but it will take a tow truck to drag me over the border ever again.
It’s a good idea, but I’d like to see more so that even, say, an older person with disabilities could join.
I want him to not be a snarky little prick.
Panetta slags Canada in his lede.
Bag the negativity comrade.
Beating “none of them” by a healthy margin is quite the feat.
In other words, allow persecution of chosen scapegoats.
Americans go to war with less powered countries over resources quite often, actually. This is absolutely you.
I cancelled two weeks ago expecting it to be difficult, but I don’t really miss it. Maybe something happens when you get old, but I just don’t have the will to commit to a series or a binge watch anymore. What I’ve started doing is borrowing movies at the library, which is free and takes forever, but is oddly charming.
It’s like he’s trying to punch balloons.