From my perspective, organized religion predisposes people to being easily brainwashed.
Someone that is a decent person BECAUSE of their invisible friend in the sky will also do and permit evil things if they are convinced that it pleases invisible sky friend.
I’d honestly rather people that “need” religion to “be good” just be bad. Then we can weed them out easier.
Not all religious people use abusive child rearing techniques and punitive social controls.
Even if you were more specific to say “all organized religion”, but even that would be purely speculative on your part, because it is literally impossible for you to know.
Definitively, your “all of them” statement is wrong. Evidence? My own upbringing where I was allowed to leave the church with basically no resistance.
Otherwise I agree with you. But don’t go tying weak speculation with strong arguments- you’re making your argument, and mine by extension, look less true.