The handful of pet Galapagos tortoises are something like that.
The handful of pet Galapagos tortoises are something like that.
“shite” has been a British regional dialect usage for centuries
They could always wear garter belts and suspenders
Given his leading role in AfS (a party to the right of the far-right SD party, whose role in the ecology of the Swedish far right appears to be to be the ideological shock troops who float extreme ideas and see which of those are ready to be laundered into the mainstream by the “respectable”SD), it’s probably safe to say that this guy was a piece of shit.
Looks like buying the Washington Post paid off then
The downside of this is that it involves giving money to Bezos in the first place. If there are similar techniques that work with, say, Apple Books, Kobo or other stores not owned by a literal Bond villain, they’d be even better.
(Also, everyone else seems to use the EPub format, while Amazon have their own proprietary fork of an old PalmPilot ebook format. Meaning that you’re probably going to need to convert it to EPub for reading, which is one more step and could, in theory, go awry.)
To be fair, he didn’t say it’d be better for the humans
Poland, Finland and all three Baltic states are buying F-35s, which is less than ideal.
I wonder what Putin would have to offer Trump to nerf, say, Estonia’s F-35s at an opportune moment.
“web 3.0” was originally a lot of vague but innocuous ideas from the pre-silo era of independent web sites, such as microformats, the semantic web and generally more modular and interoperable web technologies. Then the open web died after Google and Facebook consolidated their grip as one-stop shops, and soon after that, crypto grifters took over the term for “let’s turn everything into a casino”
Do they mean “Firefox can get your location data to pass on to pages you give permission to, who we cannot guarantee won’t share it with advertisers” or “Firefox reserves the right to do a deal to monetise the tantalising firehose of location data coming from your device unless you specifically opt out”?
They may also want to put some feelers out towards Australia. The previous conservative government dragged the country into a deal for US submarines that seemed to be more politically motivated than practical, and that’s looking more in doubt every day.
I wonder if Ukraine’s European allies (France, the UK, and such) could provide non-US replacements for the EW pods, and whether hacking those into a F-16 would be harder than getting a Soviet-era MiG to fire NATO missiles (which Ukraine successfully did before it got the F-16s). If that would be doable, it’d be cheaper than replacing the F-16s
Well, they do have cliffs
Given the cards geopolitics has dealt them, it’s entirely understandable.
They’d also want to supplement those F-35s with something whoever’s in the Whitehouse can’t remotely brick, though.
I was planning on visiting this year, but now my US travel plans are filed away alongside the Trans-Siberian Railway trip I should have done in the 00s. As much as there are places I’d like to visit, it’d be like going for a city-break to Munich in 1935.
Any electronic device with firmware in flash. The charges will have decayed a long time ago, leaving a paperweight.
Sufficiently diligent far-future archaeologists may dissect and catalogue the devices well enough to develop a taxonomy of components, having their own names for components, CPU architectures and such, but they’d then be left with something like “this was a programmed control device of the Xargx Valley type, variant 13, only with a screen, a speaker, two microphones and a motor actuator. We speculate it may have been a domestic appliance, a children’s toy or part of a transportation device. Alternatively, it may have had religious or ceremonial uses.”
The best thing Ukraine may be able to do is destroy them so that Russia can’t use them against Ukrainian targets
It predates Illuminatus!, which came out in the early 70s. The foundational text of Discordianism, the Principia Discordia, was published (i.e. photocopied and sent out to fellow fringe dwellers) around the mid-60s. Illuminatus!, however, popularised it.
Does he have a large adult failson he could parachute into the position?
Their hearts would have to beat a lot slower, as pretty much every species gets 1-2 billion heartbeats per lifespan.