I’ve got 25 years of Linux usage under my belt at this point, and I’ve settled on Debian for all PCs, servers, and anything else. Stability is so much more important to me than bleeding edge software, but for those things that absolutely need the latest and greatest, there’s Backports and Flatpak.
I was pretty into x86 asm in my teens. Nasm was my go to. Anyone else ever play with MenuetOS?
I’m a long-time Samba fan, but even I wouldn’t run them as DCs in a production environment.
That only allows DNS-based blocking of domains, which isn’t going to be nearly as effective. A lot of modern ads are served up from the same domain that you’re visiting. Browser-based ad-blocker extensions are in a position to block domains, URLs, and specific parts of the HTML DOM itself. This is going to sound rude, and I’m sorry in advance, but when people bring up pi hole, I assume they aren’t very knowledgeable about how things work.
I started doing this a few years ago, and it made a world of difference. I dislike the whole process of using regular floss; having to wrap it around my fingers and then try to maneuver it around inside my mouth, all while staring at myself in the bathroom mirror is a mental burden. Now I just keep a bag of floss picks in easily reachable places where I tend to spend the most time, and I’ve ended up with really good flossing habits.
Interesting. Never heard of that. It’d just be a guess, but I’m doubting this was a person familiar with that. Just a humorous oopsy.