Does Janet go to the void when she is killed?
Derek needs to be uncreated.
Does Janet go to the void when she is killed?
Derek needs to be uncreated.
Those are imported from the Shanghai factory, apparently
Does the tile survive impact in one piece?
Is Banjo a reference to Order of the Stick?
Funnily enough, most of the states where you’ll have to worry about the alphabet boys, also have Castle Doctrine laws. If they don’t have a warrant, Stand Your Ground. Take as many of them with you as you can.
Cue Founding Father Lionel Hutz:
"Oh no. Those printers messed this all up.
It’s supposed to be ‘Land of the fee, home of the slave.’
Better remove this Bar Logo."
< Chomp chomp >
Dammit! Transposed my ancient Greek alphabet that I have never been able to fully memorize.
Gamma shift would be the fourth shift though. I never heard Mariner complain about Gamma shift, ergo they don’t exist.
That might explain why Section 31 was so awful. We fell into the Kelvinverse after they shot Harambe
At least a few percent of voters were purged, possibly amounting to enough to have flipped the results of the EC.
Aunt Mary hit 106 or 108, Aunt Binny hit 102, Grandma hit 104.
Legacy of Kain, and the SoulReaver series.
A full remake of the classic games, and then the actual last game that they never finished.
The canary croaked in November. The minors are already gasping for air.
Not the previous commenter, but how is punching nazis equivalent to burying your head in the sand?
Even with the typo they seem to be advocating for the proper response to nazis.
Ayyami-ha and Naw Ruz
Doctor, farmer, teacher/professor. They’re literally working for the future of humanity.
Metallurgy is just their hobby.
How much more north can you get???
I seem to recall that you guys and Michigan had a “war” over that exact question…
TIL Hobbit Culture was based, in part, on Germans.
She can be killed by the big red button. She announced that someone killed her over the PA when she got killed. I forgot what happened immediately after that though. I thought the marble thing was irreversible. They marbleized and ate Bad Janet didn’t they?