Your OS being the cause of massive problems running common programs should not be something you have to have the skills to fix in the first place. And distro issue? How the hell are you even supposed to pick a distro when if you ask 10 linux users what distro you should use you’ll get 11 different answers? Sure, you could just try them all, but it takes a long time to evaluate an OS, plus just making sure that all the programs you want to run don’t just shit themselves.
Okay but ice cars tend to catch fire while running or fueling. EV’s are the same, it’s just they tend to fuel at home and possibly inside of a flammable structure while completely unnattended. I don’t honestly know the actual fire risk of an EV and honestly I doubt there’s a lot of good data that can be found with the amount of time i’d be willing to invest, what with EV companies wanting to downplay and any and every oil-related industry wanting to exaggerate.