if I wasn’t ok with that I wouldn’t have invited you
if I wasn’t ok with that I wouldn’t have invited you
every time it was tried communism failed eventually. it always caused oppression and in extreme cases even genocide. it doesn’t really matter what the theory looks like if that’s the reality
the holodomor for example
>the numbers are wrong
>actually the kulaks are responsible
>the ussr is being depicted as bad by western propaganda but it wasn’t that bad
>you’re all brainwashed
they sound just like holocaust deniers
I’ve been watching a series on the fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism, and see none of that in the theory.
in the theory
of course no one includes genocide in their theory but if you try to apply communist theory to reality you’ll end up with it. so instead of looking at theories start looking at reality
your house will become lebensraum
yeah that actually makes sense
First of all dipshit, you do pay for kindergarten. Via taxes. What are you, 12?
of course tax money is used to pay for kindergarten too but at least in my country you pay something like 15 euros per day yourself
also, I could’ve said babysitter too. or clothes. or food. or something else, it doesn’t matter. my point still stands
Like I said, my comfort doesn’t trump yours and your comfort doesn’t trump mine. Either deal with the fact that kids will be on flights or stop flying.
Like I said, your choice your discomfort and my chioce my discomfort. Either deal with the fact that cartain choices have consequences or make different choices
seriously tho, you’re making your self-made problem everyone else’s
that’s like me burning my car and saying “yeah I made the choice to burn my car and I knew of the consequences, but why should only I have to pay for the damage and not others as well? their comfort doesn’t trump mine”
parents have child => parents are inconvinienced by child => others who have nothing to do with parents and their child should be inconvenienced instead of the parents
following your logic, complete strangers should have to pay the kindergarten for your child. after all just because you chose to have children doesn’t mean that you have to be inconvenienced (by paying money for it) and others don’t, right?
‘your choices, your consequences’
not ‘your choices, everyone else’s consqeuences’
it isn’t that hard to understand is it? your entitlement is insane
But it’s much easier to deal with kids on a 2hr flight than it is to deal with them on a multiple day drive
“I’ll make everyone’s flight miserable because I don’t want to experience the bad consequences of my choices”
And just because I have kids doesn’t mean I have to choose the more difficult option.
you did choose the more difficult option the moment you chose to have children. having children comes with inconveniences and because that’s your choice to have children you have to deal with the consequences, not others
No? Can’t afford? Suck it up then lol, people are going to live their lives regardless of a bit of noise that you can easily cancel out with headphones.
hell yeah, fuck them poor people
I know how they work: if the parents don’t take it at the plane, it will not annoy other people
and we’ll fight for you too.
how will you fight for nihilists?
here’s a solution:
don’t take planes for a few years until the child doesn’t cry for no reason anymore
b-but muh genes
if you don’t want ukraine to defend itself, you’re giving putin exactly what he wants
ok I’ll send you Canadian healthcare
don’t care I don’t have to look at their ugly kids anymore
Do I still use chromium when I visit the steam website via firefox?
because if they did this, no one would know how much of a heckin good person they are having a tattoo against racism. the tattoo would be essentially useless.