The switch from NiCad to the mass adoption of LiPo was pretty revolutionary in my eyes. That might just be me showing my age though 😅
Fuck me. I wasn’t even thinking in that context. I thought it was in reference to a new Lemmy thing like “Rule”.
Protocol 2? Im definitely missing some context.
Now that you mention it, yeah. Why does loctite do that?
Deep breaths buddy. In… Out…
No one is attacking you. In… Out…
You are capable of taking a joke. In… Out…
It’s hyperbole, my guy.
This is America… That is not a guarantee.
So after some googling, apparently this is a VERY widespread practice spanning multiple brands, multiple manufacturers, all around the US; but I can’t seem to find any explanation. It can’t just be industry-wide madness, right? …Right?
Take a second look. Salted butter = Orange box, Blue wrapper. Unsalted butter = Blue box, Orange wrapper.
Bought my first home right at the end of low interest rates. I wasn’t planning on staying but I can’t afford to move now.
iMessage is the iPhone’s default texting app. It comes preinstalled on all their phones.
You should sub to his newsletter as well. Happy to say I’ve been the recipient of an “Official Rollie (No Prize)”. It was quite the honor.
“Should I give up? Or should I just keep chasing penguins?”
Wasn’t the tin man’s body paint super cancerous as well?
Saul is there too. Look to the left of him.
That’s what the meme is about? Is that not the Noita witch?
I have never felt so personally called out. I love it. 
Ha! Same thought at pretty much the same time. Good to see you fellow elder.