Tell that to Volkswagen, BMW, Messerschmitt, Audi, Deutsche Bank… And all these guys:
Tell that to Volkswagen, BMW, Messerschmitt, Audi, Deutsche Bank… And all these guys:
Something like “I don’t like to chat at work”.
The other suggestions seem far too inviting for follow-up or could be perceived as sidelong attacks.
That phrasing is hard to follow-up on, though not impossible, and focuses only on you. I suspect you also don’t chat with others, so they probably can’t say something like “But you chat with Johnny?”
Talking about what they’re doing that annoys you opens a conversation about them feeling attacked or maybe trying to find alternate ways to talk to you etc. You don’t need to explain why you don’t want to chat because that will open other conversations. They probably will try to follow up or redirect, but calmly insisting that you prefer not to chat may work.
HR is generally a bad place for employees to take issues since their stated job is to protect the company from liability their employees might incur. If you have a union or some other third party resource go to them first, then go to HR if they advise it. Since HR is interested in protecting the company from liability created by employees you may be able to aim them at the other employee, but you need to be sure that’s what they’ll do before going to them, otherwise they may view you as the liability.
EDIT: And you don’t need to wait for them to ask if you’re OK. If your issue is that they’re talking about non-work and that’s not why you’re there, just bring that up immediately.
And also be clear they can still talk to you as long as it’s work related, and that you’re not refusing to work with them. Otherwise you become an HR problem.
Harris chose to do something immoral because “it was the law”, or it benefited her, or whatever - and you can expect her to continue doing that.
You still have to vote for her, but you also have to be realistic about who you’re actually voting for.
Republicans are the party who holds their candidates up without criticism - and Dems put up Kamala now exactly because Democrats were criticizing Biden - and even though she’s one of the worst candidates they’ve put up in years, she’s still far more electable than Biden.
So yes. You need to both vote for and criticize Harris. It’s the least immoral choice.
Try PB&B on warm toast.
Definitely not an every day treat.
Jareth seems at least a little ungay considering his infatuation with Sarah.
As for Bowie:
I have left-hand threaded fittings on a few things and always say to myself aloud “This is reverse-threaded” before I attempt to turn them then still fuck up first turn. It doesn’t stop me from fucking it up the first time - it just helps me remember why.
When I train new people on this equipment I tell them to say it aloud, show them, still fuck up the first turn, then they laugh.
Then I have them do it in front of me including saying it aloud - and they fuck up the first turn…
When you’ve been doing something unconsciously for decades it’s really hard to break.
Apparently it’s not just an American thing, but maybe other countries have more sense not to do it anymore.
They’re usually in “high end” restaurants in big cities like Las Vegas. The ones I recall usually have the sinks somewhat separated from the stalls with a partition or turn, but they’re not wholly separate rooms. The motivations are probably more needing money, access to a fancy place, and being an extrovert than perversion - more windshield wiper gig than peeping Tom.
I think it’s a combination of a holdover from another time that maybe was useful when they had an expanded role - they probably actually used to keep the bathroom clean, and some guys will shine shoes etc. - and tip-based service jobs they gave to poor people. I think they do get an hourly rate, but it’s probably below minimum wage for the same reasons waiting tables is.
Bathroom attendants - since people got all the high value stuff.
I don’t mean people that clean the bathroom etc.
I mean the guy that stands at the sink and makes awkward small talk before handing you a towel you could have got yourself and expects a tip.
EDIT: Y’all I’m pretty sure no one’s having sex or shooting up in the bathroom at the fucking Eiffel Tower restaurant in Las Vegas … Coke - probably. I don’t know where anyone else has seen a bathroom attendant, but every place I’ve seen one at I’ve been wearing a suit…
Outdoors are generally not protected by right to privacy, even if on private property.
Someone standing in their own front lawn can be recorded with both video and audio without their consent.
This is what makes it legal to record police.
The problem isn’t just that it will be thrown out in court, it’s that it itself is illegal.
Which doesn’t necessarily mean don’t do it but you’re limited in how you can reveal how you know things are being stolen etc.
I’d say it also needs to be entirely optional and be opt-in only. Any service, program, whatever needs to work fully for anyone who doesn’t allow their data to be sold or released with extremely few exceptions.
Better solution.
Data are owned by the generator. Only they can sell it etc…
This also solves the privacy problem of law enforcement agencies applying warrants to phone companies etc. for access to your data, which has been an end-run around 4th Amendment rights for decades.
This is literally the “You never know when my brother is coming” joke in real life.
Relevant part at 5:15 but it’s all on point. There’s a better version somewhere but this was the top hit…
I like a fair amount of Bowie, but Young Americans is a truly grating song.
I have a perhaps unreasonable dislike of The Best Day by Atmosphere.
Hmm. Is it just or the whole instance?
I didn’t know it was the mods. I was wondering how it hadn’t been banned yet for being obviously biased.
It’s not even close to half. Republicans are a quarter to a third of the country.
It’s voter suppression and Democrats being the biggest possible fuckups they could be at every fucking opportunity.