And the license pricing will only adjust for inflation.
Replace proxmox with incus.
Free as in beer
They’re located all over the world, just find one that’s close to you and enjoy :)
Just in time for Usenet Black Friday sales :)
Check out Kasm too, you can easily install blender into it.
Floppy distros were all the rage. Here’s another one, still got a few floppies of it floating around the lab!
Somebody wants a 0day for x-mas :)
Security Tools Distribution :)
Linux STD! Waaaay before skiddos had backtrack or kali
I’d rather watch ads than this kid.
I believe the search term you seek may be “commercial signage display”
Sweet, thanks!
Wal-Mart had redhat 5 on sale and the xplane screenshot on the back handled the rest.
Yep. Moved away from Google Keep, wanted similar features and this worked for my needs. Seems others hate it for some reason though.