AI is not overrated. We just don’t have it yet.
AI is not overrated. We just don’t have it yet.
Same here. Was surprised to read this comment, went to the Android app, played a few playlists. Shuffle is off by default, first song on a list starts playing. Switch it on, go to another playlist, it is still off by default. Is it some a/b testing by Spotify I am lucky not to be part of? Would certainly cancel my sub if that was the case.
I mean, there were quite a few elements of the ux I was mad about, like promoting stuff I’d never want to listen on the front page just because Spotify paid a gazillion to creators, but shuffle is not it.
Yes, but it also switches off after some time, and I tend to like exploring new music, so have to use either switches frequently anyway. Still raging!
It is still trying to connect to the bloody internet starting up, taking minutes as where i live connectivity is not great on a commute. Makes me turn flight mode on. RAGE!!!
Oh, didn’t we all? I certainly did, and that with “cheap” stuff. I was not trying to go beyond mid-fi ever, mostly because i cannot justify it for my old ears, and still managed to sink quite a few grand.
Having this said, the purchases I consider best were actually cheapest: most enjoyment i got from a pair of Adam T5V as a desktop set up, cannot beat it at that price point in my view; and noname “sleeping headband” from Amazon, like 20 quid or so, that helped me listen to numerous audiobooks in bed with comfort. The latter one though is also the least sexy accessory you can probably get, so choose your spouse wisely! ) The court is still in session for the most recent purchase of Bathys to have OTG music. Sound quality is certainly there for a pair of wireless cans, just not sure yet about long term enjoyment and overall value for money.
k371s were my previous pair - and if it were not for their lousy snapping headband, I could certainly recommend it as well.
To give it credit, Japanese cars are now among the best in class, and can be enjoyed on a global market at a “reasonable” price. Took them a few decades to get there though. When/if Chinese manufacturers get to that level - that would be a win for the common consumer anywhere. And European companies with their trend to sell less, but more expensive, cars, will likely be outcompeted.