Blender is incredible. I am no master by any means, but I use it all the time for 3d printing. And I’m blown away by what actually-talented people can do with it.
Blender is incredible. I am no master by any means, but I use it all the time for 3d printing. And I’m blown away by what actually-talented people can do with it.
NAPS2. I go paperless as much as possible, but still have to scan stuff sometimes. It’s the GOAT for scanning.
It is a little strange. But even way back in the day we called PC software meant for user interaction “software applications”.
Michael Hobbes said the same thing, take it up with him.
Honestly I wish everyone spoke as clearly and articulately as gay men. Mumble and mangle your words together, and dumb down your vocabulary to sound like the typical straight dude. Think of yourself as a kid in school, the teacher just called on you, and you really don’t want to answer.
I’m an avid indoorsman. One of my best friends is too, fortunately. I almost never get cabin fever (though it does happen).
Winters for me feels like home turf. My favorite activity is tabletop gaming with friends. When I can’t do that, I love reading books and watching videos. Occasionally I’ll play Steam games, but I spent enough of my youth on that, so it’s way down the list of choices.
I also like to try out new recipes. I’m a better cook than baker, but I do some of both. And I really enjoy playing with our two dogs. They teach the stupid human how to be in the moment.
I’m a boring but happy guy when left in peace.
I use bullshit answers for these, and save them in the notes section of my password manager.
Google voice is hit or miss. It’s worked for a lot of smaller sites for me, but the bigger / more corporate it is, the less likely it seems to work.
Boot scrapers.
Coathooks, drawer handles, book ends, door stops, gardening or tent stakes.
Been using Fastmail for a few years now. I really like it.
Took me way too long to figure this out, but I finally did. I now actually own my e-books, DRM-free.
Assuming I’m given time to brush up on it, math probably. Algebra, Geometry, and Trig. I was good at those and enjoyed tutoring math when I was in college. Calculus is awesome but I’m too dumb to teach that to anyone.
Figuring out how to automate them, when possible. Coding / scripting / debugging is more fun than tedious manual tasks, IMO.
No. I’m an 80s kid. It’s kind of nice once in a while to forget it.
I imagine people with their phone in their faces while shopping, walking their dogs, etc. must have max anxiety over even the fleeting thought of not having their precious.
I agree! I love baklava. If someone never eats nuts, I can totally understand how they could eat baklava for the first time and not realize the “crunchy stuff” is made from nuts. They simply don’t have the experience to know what the taste and texture of nuts in syrup inside a flaky layered dessert like baklava are going to be like. The nuts are chopped up pretty small.
People are so quick to victim blame.
I’m not an expert in political philosophy by any measure, but I kind of feel like is a small case study in the pros and cons of realpolitik.
Check out the Alex O’Connor channel. Not an exact fit, but I think it might scratch the itch.
Generally speaking, a modern heating system should not fail nearly this often, even if neglected. Need more information (like the type of heating system, age) but it sounds like it could be a wiring issue with the house, or a flaky dying controller. Replacing the controller is not that expensive, especially if you do it yourself.
Same as you. I used to game a lot (too much) in my younger days. Now I use the computer to support my tabletop gaming hobbies, 3d printing, a little coding, and streaming.