I picture the cook in the back hearing “Who cooked this shit eggs? Your chef is trash!” and he smirks recognizing the voice as he removes his apron.
I picture the cook in the back hearing “Who cooked this shit eggs? Your chef is trash!” and he smirks recognizing the voice as he removes his apron.
I keep thinking I’m going to wake up. Or maybe this is hell. Hell wouldn’t be just torture, but also some dangling of false hope.
The Guardian is a top newspaper. Number 3ish in the UK. It already has a massive following.
The people being mad at propublica for not leaving I think is something only happening in your social sphere
You failed
Trump has a famous line whining about America only getting immigrants from the “shithole countries”. Wonder why, dude.
The reading is a short pamphlet linked below. Warning that, for a work from the 1700’s, the reveal paragraph is pretty nauseating.
It is probably more relevant today in the US as a modest proposal to the abortion problem that it also claims to solve!
I’m the winter, I get home from work and put on a fresh pair.
I need to hear this
Younger people I talk to have absolutely normalized “I saw this on Instagram!” As a way of shopping.
In a 2-1 opinion, a panel of 2nd Circuit appeals court judges said the Pai-era FCC "order stripped the agency of its authority to regulate the rates charged for broadband Internet
It was their own fault to begin with hahahaha
Their message of “states rights” is gonna die so hard over the next years. GOP party of big government here to stay.
Google “Here are 5 million results that say you can’t bring a gun in your suitcase, and ONE that says you can”
Clown selecting the ONE result “I KNEW IT”
Google “Just because I have it doesn’t make it true!!”
Love turns you stupid. Blissfully stupid
*Scott is jump-scared by the arrival of the time traveler, and ends up barely missing.
It was your fault ALL ALONG
*Redbox throws hands up in frustration
Trip had his fair share of “nope, that ain’t right” moments too
Many of them do this during the off-season to make some extra money.
Otherwise they do allow people to go back down every place that I’ve been for various reasons like sudden panic/fear or broken equipment
Every teacher has their own list of “absolutely never” names for future offspring. The amount of overlap is surprising
They don’t get sick days or snow days from school. I bet they’re just a little bit happy on the inside when some eminent threat cancels school