2 years agoNot sure your industry, but there’s a much clearer pipeline from corporate intern to offers than government from my experience. I spent a lot of my time early career in government and I ended up wishing I hadn’t because it took so long to hear back on anything and the pay sucked. But I had equivalent jobs available to me outside of the government. If you do as well recommend trying to get another internship in the private sector - I know my company requires us to have a job open you can offer to a successful intern before you can get assigned an intern and we get judged on our conversion metrics.
I’m in auto insurance my degree has zero to do with it you just need the story about why your history is a good fit and gives you a unique perspective.
I’d recommend honestly just start looking up some people on LinkedIn in the area you have interest in and in a company you think you want and introduce yourself in a message and tell them your interest because what you need to make sure you get into a program is someone to recommend you as an intern. I’ve had people blind reach out to me that I’ve been willing to help out before especially interns because it shows initiative.
From there, as long as someone continues to show drive and that they can understand the work recommendations to hire are there for you.