I am using this daily, best text editor for Android, but to be honest I’m 2 versions behind because the newer ones keep crashing But with SyncThing, working like a charm
I misspelled, phone, just one Althought sometimes I have my work phone with me, but rarely
I got credentials, just on my phone
Just phone and keys. You guys bring wallets everywhere?
Yeah, I tried it and the quality wasn’t great
I’m hopeful it get somewhere. Lapce was a good idea, but is sadly slowing down. I’m hoping this will generate enough hype to make it live. I’m really looking forward to a IDE without Electron
SMT already had it, they just didn’t bother updating screenshots
I think the most MacOS-like look is GNOME with Dash-to-Dock extension, at least for me
Just chipping in to say I have a 3060 and I’m scared of every update breaking my drivers again - just don’t get a Nvidia, don’t do it to yourself
It’s the same code as VScode, just without telemetry, so probably the same or marginally better
Seconding Audile, it’s great