It is possible to fold a sheet of paper into thirds and get three layers…
It is possible to fold a sheet of paper into thirds and get three layers…
Yeah, for me it’s been smooth. I have had coverage problems and C/S problems, but they’ve been minor compared to the others I’ve tried.
I’ve had many carriers going back all the way to PrimeCo… I’ve been with AT&T for a few years because they seem to be the least shitty (in terms of coverage and customer service) of all the carriers I’ve tried.
I really like Tony’s dark almond sea salt right now. It’s only 51% but the salt really draws out the bitter flavors you would normally only get out of darker chocolates.
Loaded up and truckin’
I asked my wife, and she said “basically what alquicksilver said”, and then followed it up by saying “it’s not like diarrhea, but like diarrhea’s ugly cousin.”
I’m in my 40s and have struggled with weight most of my life, yo-yo 40-50 lbs at a time… what I will say to anyone reading this is to do your level best to maintain whatever weight is normal for you (eating disorders notwithstanding), because it gets harder to do the older you get.
He also doesn’t let Ukraine use starlink in Russian-occupied regions of Ukraine, according to a quick google search.
I wonder if it could do Che as Luigi.
I have two cookies I’d like brought back, please.
Nabisco suddenly Smores
And (one I can’t find a pic of) Chiquita made banana shortbread cookies with chocolate on the bottom in the 90s, and they were great, too.
Another thing to consider about big spaces is that we often find things to fill them with. I’d rather have a smaller space and prioritize what I need, than have lots of room to store junk I shouldn’t have bought in the first place.
By the way, this cake is great… so delicious and moist!
Tzolk’in is my favorite game, I think. It is a board game that incorporates time in an interesting way for a worker-placement style game.
So basically rehiring all the people they laid off already this year?
If you could hum or record what you remember in some way, it would help a lot.
This is why the US needs to switch to metric.
Whence comes the third who?
I’d do a film version of the Illuminatus! Trilogy across 5 films, and make it feel as epic as the Odyssey or Ben Hur… really old school.