Yeah I am in my 40s and I when its quiet I hear that squealing and I really cant hear what I used to.
Yeah I am in my 40s and I when its quiet I hear that squealing and I really cant hear what I used to.
Oh I dont know, I would just assume they could update (or retrain) to adapt pretty quickly.
AI probably was already patched 5 minutes after the article came out.
If it actually does entail owning and viewing porn then the quote should match the claim. The document is like 1000 pages, if its in there then it needs to be quoted in the graphic.
and your a fool
So this points out how you dont care about science because you are completely close minded. What you will find is that with your group this is common, they will not even begin to admit the possibility of a deity.
No thank you, I dont explain myself to people like you.
So with what certainty do you think there is no God?
Well, its against the 5th(?) amendment that you have to be forced to admit to crimes. And I dont even know how we are supposed to measure if someone is actually a drug addict and where in federal law they cant have guns.
Sure, but I dont really think I need to, everyone else will. I will defend Hunter against that bullshit gun application convictions. That is a bullshit law.
I didnt say anything about vaccines, I am talking directly about lockdowns; vaccines are another completely different discussion.
And its not about what I believe its about what the actual impact of a policy is. Do you at least recognize that people were harmed and died due to lockdowns and other covid policies?
I will defend anyone no matter who they are if they are being lied about.
So there are two things going on here; the first is that you think more rights should have been taken away. The second is that this is a one dimensional analysis and it doesnt consider the impacts of what was done.
Its like if you want to win a lifting competition and you take steroids. The end result is that you do well in the competition but you also have to consider the results of taking the steroids. Studies like this ignore the extra results.
Cool, how many people died due to lockdowns and other mandates? Or better yet, what was the net years of lossed life due to the lockdowns (including those that didnt die but have shortened lives)?
The reaction to covid cause more deaths than any lack of reaction.
What do you think they will do to those people, and how would they do it?
Yeah sorry, I am not going to read all that wall of text. Have a great day!
The world will not end no matter who wins, the things that are concerning would be wars the US could get involved in and maybe strife after the election no matter which side wins. But realistically if you dont get yourself involved then you will be just fine. Live your life without the doom and gloom, its the media getting clicks.
Its actually really sad that people have gotten this scared due to the propaganda. The corporate media is destroying people.
This is shallow, but here it is… When you are dating to marry look at the womans mother to see what her weight will probably be like after having kids. If her parents are big, she will probably be big.