We’d just get a new one made out of water vapor. I’m sure everything would be fine.
We’d just get a new one made out of water vapor. I’m sure everything would be fine.
I mean, it’s not a fever. It’s just sitting under a big pile of invisible blankets. Get rid of the blankets and things would be fine.
Call up your local news station and newspaper, offer them the story. If they turn you down, call up another one.
No, I don’t think the brain really works that way, except in the very broadest sense.
I do not believe that the Fediverse is an exclusively anti-corporate platform. It’s nature is open to all, even corporations, at a technical level.
Granted, many anti-corporate people came here, but that doesn’t make this a fundamently anti-corporate place. Just their specific communities.
I also doubt many serious Fediverse types are that petty and childish. That’s generally a trait of more short-sighted people. Not a lot of native trolls here, we came here in many cases to escape that behavior.
Is it so strange to think some assholes might just chase us down and bring it to us? What would you do if you were a hate-fueled asshole that wanted to watch the world burn? I’d find nice things and fuck them up, personally. That would be both fun and potentially effective.
LLMs. Despite how absurdly useful they are, I can recall a time when I had the skills of remembering phone numbers naturally and being able to easily navigate with no maps of any kind.
These skills have deteriorated significantly in the past 10 years, and they’re not the only ones. The common thread they all have is my smartphone replaced them.
I fear losing a skill that is less innocuous, from the new tech effectively replacing my need to practice it.
We’re having fun and trying to build a positive space. And we have real potential to succeed in growing large. Can you think of a single faster way to attract trolling on the internet?
It’s a lot more likely than someone like spez taking a break from plundering his company to piss off a modest number of internet randos in some internet corner somewhere, which would barely be a drop in the bucket of his problem anyway.
The overall effect of this is so small, it almost has to be someone(s) with too much time on their hands. If they had any kind of real power, they wouldn’t be wasting their time on these chump change attacks.
This’ll definitely be remembered. It’s good for us, we needed the wakeup call.
Yea, I switched to this alt. It appears to be one of the assistant admins accts. Seems like an old fashioned anon prank, to me, they’re mainly just trying to make stuff offensive and redirect people to lemonparty.
So, y’know, old school.
I don’t know if any data is actually in danger, but I doubt it. I don’t see why assistant admins would need access to it.
Surprised this one took so long. We’ve had basic hologram tech for decades now. Even with a private jet, it’s not like flying cross country all the time for business is fun or anything. Being on a jet is still being on a jet, and not being able to do anything except pull out your laptop, mobile device or book.