Spot on lmao
According to 8NewsNow, about a dozen women have since filed a lawsuit against the firm, claiming they did not do enough to protect their private and personal information. None of the documents posted online were encrypted
Spot on lmao
According to 8NewsNow, about a dozen women have since filed a lawsuit against the firm, claiming they did not do enough to protect their private and personal information. None of the documents posted online were encrypted
I love how that is your takeaway lmao. Not that Israel is killing children - both directly and indirectly.
That’s up to them to figure out how to do it with the least amount of civilian casualty then. Moot point anyway considering nothing has come out with overwhelming proof of Hamas using the hospital as cover.
This is the first time in my life I’m planning to vote independent. R’s are all awful as usual and I’m absolutely disgusted with Biden’s support of Israel.
It’s actually very common for cats! It’s spread by saliva mainly, from cats biting or scratching each other so my cats are strictly indoors. Though I’m pretty sure mine got it from their mom. They were rescues, brought in to my roommates clinic where she works as a vet technician.
My cats both had severe untreated syphilis when they were kittens which fucked up their sinuses. One of them just has a leaky eye but the other has two fucked up inner eyelids, two leaky eyes, and a VERY leaky nose. She will have sneezing fits randomly and it’s like D-Day. We take cover or quickly scoot her to the hardwood floor to limit what she covers in snot lmao. Love them both to death though
Because men dominate the tech industry. It just doesn’t make sense to hold one for men.
Oh cool someone else who has no idea what they’re talking about! I’m in the education industry and work closely with 7 schools in my local district. No one is grooming or indoctrinating children, those are conservative buzz words. They’re simply teaching the kids that if they don’t feel like they fit the gender norms that it’s okay.
Wait holy shit. I was in a thread talking about the 15 and it was mentioned that Apple seems to be heading this way with the hardware they’ve been adding. This would explain why they didn’t fight this bill
Lmao. You can’t tell me what they are because they don’t exist.
I’ll list everything I read to you if you can go back and specify for me all of the negative effects from the vaccine lmao.
it was primarily leftist sheep who were the ones begging for government to shut down conservative voices or any voices that disagreed even the slightest with the narrative being pushed by left wing medias during the height of the pandemic.
Thats because conservatives were and still are actively spreading lies!! Fucking of course we want that shit to stop.
I don’t think anybody believes that Dr. Malone invented the mRNA vaccine by himself in his basement with a toy chem kit from amazon
Lmao He sure as fuck believes it (his Twitter profile even stated that he invented it when he was 28 lmao), and I think you did too until I called you out. Why else would you have called him the “literal inventor” of mRNA technology? All he did was help prove that it was possible, by the way. There’s been so much more R&D since then that it’s basically different technology now. What you’re saying is like if the inventor of the wheel claimed that they invented cars. Go look up what his past coworkers have to say about him! One of them stated his brilliance, but also added that he’s extremely stubborn and refuses to budge on things he perceives as correct even when shown differently. He’s a just a narcissist.
The bag is for her leftovers :)
Lmao. I have done tons of reading on the vaccine you ignorant slut. What I’ve concluded: this is by far the safest vaccine in human history, this is the most well documented vaccine in human history, and it’s the single most widely researched and developed vaccine in human history. Do you know what typically takes vaccines years to get through testing? Finding and test subjects, both of which the COVID vaccine had in abundance. It’s been 3 years - where are the supposed negative side effects from the vaccine? In all of human history, every vaccine every manufactured has had every single possible side effects emerge within 6 fucking weeks. Go look this shit up and stop projecting lmao
I think it’s a great example because they’re the single biggest source of conservative misinformation lmao. If the press was being silenced by some left-wing conspiracy don’t you think Fox would have been a major target for them??
Ignoring the fact that Rogan is an ignorant dumbass who does absolutely no fact checking, did Malone back any of his claims up or were they all just from his mouth? Because Malone was not the “literal inventor” of mRNA vaccines. It was a huge collaborative effort that he played a part in along with hundreds of other researchers over decades. But you already know this cause you do your own research instead of just taking people’s word for it right?
Lmao. My man I have, and I’m asking you to clarify because I have not seen any of these so-called negative effects from wearing masks and taking the vaccine. Such a cop out answer. It’s almost always a sign that you are talking out your ass if you aren’t willing to clearly state your point.
Okay, how was there an attempt at taking away both of these things? Because I can’t think of any. Also if free press took a hit during the pandemic no one told Fox News because they’ve been spouting their vile lies the entire time lmal
negative side effects that masking, isolating, and the vax have been shown to have
Such as?
Which rights, specifically, have been taken away?
When my best friend first moved in with me I had to teach her how to cook lol. When I was a teen my mom forced my brothers and me to cook dinner a few times a week which I’m really thankful for