I’ll give it another try then! Last attempt it wouldn’t open.
I’ll give it another try then! Last attempt it wouldn’t open.
I still use a stock pixel for work related and daily usage, but the alternatives I’ve found between F-Droid and Aurora store I’ve never felt lacking.
Maybe I’ll finish the switch fully in the coming months.
I did a fair amount of research before the switch to find alternatives to Google services, some I’ve replaced, others I felt were too much of a hassle for my phone usage.
I’ve kept my original pixel stock, the hardest part about switching this one over was plugging it in and following the instructions.
I’m hoping to get rid of my stock OS pixel soon, it would appear my bank hasn’t blocked it’s app on Graphene, unlike Uber.
For the rest I’ll either buy a cheap af shitbox to use purely for banking and Uber (if it comes to that).
If you’ve any other questions I’m happy to help find then answers with you, feel free to DM me.
Thanks for bringing this up, first I’ve heard of it. Not present on my GrapheneOS pixel, present on stock.
I suppose I should encourage pixel owners to switch from stock to graphene, I know which decide I rather spend time using. GrapheneOS one of course.
I still can’t decide if it’s end-stage capitalism or beggining-stage cyberpunk, or both.
New gen, same issues. Glad I jumped to AMD this build. No Nvidia product has been worth the cost:performance ratio for me since GTX10 series.
Probably the best thing I’ve seen out of GPT so far.
I can’t reach the mute button, managed to get the volume just low enough I can only hear it in the quiet times.
A weapon against sanity, yes.
As someone who never expected to become a gym rat I second this.
I started lifting as a purely whimsical decision with a mate and some dumbbells in his backyard.
I’ve now been a powerlifter for 6 years (minus a year due to work related injury) and it’s truly my happy place, am I sad? (Stronger) Am I angry? (Stronger) Am I happy? (You guessed it, stronger).
Not only does lifting grow your body, but also your mind. I may have permanent function loss, but I work around it, and I’m building back (slowly) and stronger than before.
Hardest part is getting started, followed by keeping with it.
My DMs are also open to those who are unsure where/how to start.
Probably how they’ll force upgrade down the track, upgrade or we brick your shit.
I’m coast-born but live inland, can’t remember my last beach trip, likely overdue …
It’s the only ring I’ve seen in years I would actually wear.
Everyone keeps forgetting that we’re all just what monkeys evolved into…
I thought I was imagining this until I put a 1080p episode on one monitor and a 1080p YT vid on another. The difference was night and day.
Similar story here tbh.
Most people can’t be trusted operating a ground-dwelling vehicle, I’m fine with not having flying ones yet.
Just sing “everyone else is an asshole” by Reel Big Fish. You’re welcome.
Poorly, I left for a reason.
Wrecking Ball- Miley Cyrus.
I could butcher anything, but that, I’ll butcher it with glee.