I choke to death while alone, try to self heimlich and fail. My body is found half eaten by my cats with my cold, dead hand still clutching the offending cheese toastie.
If it’s on camera you’ll be hugely famous
I love that you two found each other in such an amusing way
I get that. I’ll pop the kettle on for you and make you a cuppa hope it helps
Absolutely not. We need to have decency in war whenever possible eg not targeting children
Join the queue!
I’m going on holiday! I can’t fucking wait
I’m cancelling netflix this week because theres a lot of rubbish on it and I have apple, prime and disney. Prime is getting cancelled when the annual membership runs out, obviously.
So I’ve finished girls5eva which I LOVED and I’ve got 1 more episode of bojack to go. I’m trying to finish man on the inside as well. I also watched the documentary on the inatagram con artist which was worth a watch
Sounds difficult do you wanna talk about it?
Oh crikey, are you going to look for other work?
This is really helpful thanks 😊
How do I know if mine is degenerated? I’m really new
Organic free range obviously
Oooh nice one. Bonus points if it’s a dirty strap.
Plus I doubt he ever accepts being wrong
Mate this is helpful 😊
Haha this is the best comment 😂