Sucker Punch. Rated 47% audience score and 22% critic score, but I love it. The story and concept are great, and the action scenes are fun
Sucker Punch. Rated 47% audience score and 22% critic score, but I love it. The story and concept are great, and the action scenes are fun
For me, anything “bubblegum” flavoured or smelling. When I was a teen, I had to have 4 teeth taken out, but it was done in 2 sessions so I didn’t have my entire mouth out of action (it was my back teeth on both sides, top and bottom), and both times the mouthwash, and the numbing gel they used before the injected one was bubblegum flavoured, and I can’t stand it anymore because of dealing with my teeth being pulled out my face
The first time I used Linux was at an old job, and we used Xubuntu for desktop, Debian for servers, and Raspbian on the Raspberry Pis, but technically Xubuntu would have been the first. I currently use KDE neon as my daily driver
Yes, rotation. It’ll allow you to do diagonals instead of just straight down. Although milling time cubes sounds awesome