Grab your rifle and run out into the street… If you’re the only one in the street with a rifle, go back inside. The revolution hasn’t started yet.
Grab your rifle and run out into the street… If you’re the only one in the street with a rifle, go back inside. The revolution hasn’t started yet.
Nice. You double down and revealed yourself to be what you just claimed I am. Amazing display.
You’re dodging the question.
While we’re on the subject of how people “tell me without telling me” This trait you’ve displayed speaks to low emotional intelligence with the advice being, better to keep your mouth shut than remove all doubt.
I’m keeping space available for the day I can download a car
The users do something, they keep paying more.
Frogs boiling.
Decentralized authentication system that support pseudonymous handles. The authentication system would have optional verification levels.
So I wouldn’t know who you are but I would know that you have verified against some form of id.
The next step would then by attributes one of which is your real name but also country of birth, race, gender, and other non-mutable attributes that can be used but not polled.
So I could post that I am Bob living in Arizona and I was born in Nepal and those would be tagged as verified, but someone couldn’t reverse that and request if I want to post without revealing those bits of data.
Violence isn’t the answer; it’s the path.
There is a thin line between feeding trolls and calling out their bullshit in a civilized way because calling them out forcefully makes some people think I’m the bad guy.
My main concern here is making sure no one falls this idiots doomer advice because waiting to invest for retirement is a huge mistake.
And not everyone is raised by financially literate parents so they can’t tell the difference between good and bad advice.
I am well aware of what my various accounts contain. You didn’t answer any of my other questions.
Chance are you didn’t roll over your 401k funds into an IRA and instead spent it.
Your post is so weak on details, I would advise no one to listen to you doomer advise.
More quesrions for you to ignore. Was their company matching? What percentage did you invest? Was it enough to trigger matching?
There are msnyneoole who have successfully retired with the 401k retirement scheme any bad results can be contributed to lack of financial literacy and responsibility.
You’re math here isn’t working out. Were you putting less than a dollar a paycheck? Did you have one employer the entire time.
Assuming you did not, when you changed job did you roll over the previous 401k into a Ira or spend it? Even if you ignored the paperwork, the money should still be out there somewhere.
That question is now irrelevant. He doesn’t and so his company cannot be trusted. He showed his hand and its a straight flush, suited ignorance.
I’d say he’s already a foot over the line.
He’s backally saying, “We Americans don’t get it. He did nothing wrong because both sides are the same.”
Rather than remorse, he’s doubled down.
*some men are hornier.
I don’t have any krogers just their rebrands. I only shop the ads (when it’s actually a good deal) and do drive through pick up.
Self-checkout is the symptom. The disease is wandering around a store thst is ever changing and lack any industry standards.
Having them pick the order is like the olden days when stores were merely a counter with a clerk who would go in back and grab the items on your list.
Oh, most definitely.
I don’t know why anyone would use Walgreens/CVS as their go to for any of the overpriced items in their store. The are both to medication as gas is to the convience stores.
Everything is overpriced but they makes sales because of the convience of picking things up with a prescription.
Dollar stores are randomly over priced and they manage to treat their employees worse than Walmart.
However, Walmart does treat their customers worse than any retail I can think of which is really weird.
Because it’s not true. Narcissistic personality disorder may included self loathing but it is not a requirement.
This pattern is shown by the presence of ≥ 5 of the following:
An exaggerated, unfounded sense of their own importance and talents (grandiosity) Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited achievements, influence, power, intelligence, beauty, or perfect love Belief that they are special and unique and should associate only with people of the highest caliber A need to be unconditionally admired A sense of entitlement Exploitation of others to achieve their own goals A lack of empathy Envy of others and a belief that others envy them Arrogance and haughtiness
Musk only needs 5. One could easily argue he has all of them.
No therapy has ever been about suppressing your feelings.
Some therapy is about not suppressing them because that is natural defense mechanism for trauma.
With Apple the devkit would be a Mac that can run the latest version of Xcode same as any other Apple dev workflow.
No one listen to this guy. There is zero need to be prepared to hold a stock for 30 years.
There is a tax penalty for selling stocks at a year, but only on the profits.
Never sell because a stock is down during a market down turn. Sell or buy on the position’s potential value.