The UCP folks. The party of big government in control of everything. From municipalities to whether or not you can defend yourself in court or from the police. Gonna be fun for the folks sitting in an interrogation room praying a lawyer will show up while they’re being antagonized by the cops. They can’t force you to answer, but they sure as shit can make your life hell while in their custody.
I hate how Via Rail is trying to call it “an inconvenience.”
A train being 15 minutes late is an inconvenience. A train running out of the sandwich you like is an inconvenience. This was a complete lack of emergency planning and care for the passengers. The fact that a diabetic person has to be rescued off the train is appalling.
There needs to be regulations brought in to stop any transportation business from being able to literally trap people like this all because they don’t want to pay to make it right.
The business will always only do what’s best for them. They’re becoming less and less afraid of bad PR. So we need to make them care again with regulations, fines, and even criminal charges when it reaches that threshold.