I think you mean CIBC
I think you mean CIBC
That was the first clue for me, before reading futher and solidifying my theory 😂
Never heard of this site, and thought some of the details were a little weird, but then totally realized the satire by the time I got to “first ammendment rights as a Canadian”
Just curious what’s wrong with saying Google?
I’m a 4th year AC/R mechanic born and raise in Southern Ontario, currently in BC.
You mebtioned your hydro was up but gas was down. Out of curiosity, can you tell me how your total cost of heating changed before/after your first winter with your heatpump? Did you end up saving money?
I like how you talk, and carry yourself through this type of conversation. You word things in a way I could never come up with. If there was a way to subscribe to users’ comments, I would yours.
Who the fuck is Dennis