Everyone who has half a brain is cheering this guy on.
Honestly these companies need to see this as a warning. They are actively toying with the worlds most well-armed population. This was inevitable. Watch them push gun control even harder now.
Tesla’s suck dude. Shut up.
Someone else said it, contact Adult Protective Services. APS is meant for people like you.
Well, like you, I was there. Yet I know I only scratched the surface too.
It’d be Niravana done in the style of Phil Collins while the video shows a vhs recording of people partying on a beach in board shorts and bikinis flanked by skaters in JNCO jeans with POGs glued to their skateboards with a club in the background that’s called “The Edge”, which is brightly adorned with a combination of “that cup design” and the pastel RGBY in geometric shapes while inside its actually got a simultaneous jungle and future aesthetic.
That’s mostly synthwave aesthetic. Synthwave covers that same sort of stylistic convention as cassette futurism.
That god damned Megan Trainor Gucci song. I hate it so much.
Super Mario Bros. with Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo. I don’t care how bad it is. It’s in the campy so-bad it’s good pool of movies and nothing anyone says can change my mind. The fact that they were drunk off their asses just makes it even funnier in my opinion.