Since I’m not an asshole, here it is:
Not sure why OP is being dismissive to you, since they posted a picture, not an actual link to the modlog.
Since I’m not an asshole, here it is:
Not sure why OP is being dismissive to you, since they posted a picture, not an actual link to the modlog.
Interesting to see if it will be better than Bangle JS 2, the spiritual successor to Pebble. That’s the one I’ve been using a few years and I still like it a lot.
Easier to trust and more accurate currently, but I don’t doubt that the algorithm to generate the notes will be internal and closed source, allowing them to utilize that trust to manipulate people.
Lol, yeah, that started reason doesn’t hold up well. Your basic urine drug screen (UDS) will flag benzos (midazolam in this article), natural opiates (not fentanyl and those derivatives), cocaine, barbiturates, marijuana, amphetamines, and I think that’s it. The only ones likely to cause fetal withdrawal are benzos and opiates. Works well enough for benzos, but withdrawals are pretty rare. The most common are opiates, but the most common opiates won’t show up on the UDS. So why use it?
Yeah, good point. And fuel density and accessibility.
I guess I just really like space physics without fake gravity, but instead being generated by thrust. And the realism of the time everything takes to travel.
Far superior option. Mostly because it has real space physics with minimal hand waving.
make simple medications
Really interested in this. Care to elaborate or share any sources on the matter?
You’re a lot closer than you’d think. In another comment, they say their oldest is not yet a teenager.
Gotta be a rough household to live in.
Sounds kinda like “your body my choice” is you ask me, not letting other people reproduce.
Here’s to hoping it’s a typo of “don’t have children with them”, but that’s a hell of a typo.
Seriously doubt it. Elective surgeries were likely cancelled, which could certainly prolong suffering for some, but life saving surgeries can absolutely happen and do without computers.
I was unaware of “Project 2025”, interesting read! While that does contain multiple concerning ideas, this is far from a reliable manifesto. Additionally, ties have been drawn to the Trump campaign, but these are loose ties and appear primarily to be op-eds. Trump has also disavowed ties to this “publication”. Lastly, that “Washington Post report” is another one of those vague articles featuring “according to sources familiar”.
While this may be true, and a drone strike may be ordered on US soil, the President will not be the one controlling the drone, not directly in command of that person. The UCMJ supercedes in the case.
I’d like to try to assuage your fears regarding a protest meeting missiles or drone strikes. Yes, the President can order drone strikes with impunity. It’s been that way since the first use of drones, early as the Obama era (maybe earlier, but I was a bit young then).
However, this does not apply to US soil. One of the benefits of state sovereignty is that federal armed forces can’t operate on US soil. National guard gets involved, at the governor’s request, but they don’t have missiles or drones. Police are barbaric, but they also don’t have missiles or drones.
So I don’t think we’d see much of an escalation in terms of weapons of violence with regards to protests when compared to 2020.
What about building or buying a cheap tower, and placing it outside the shop while running peripherals into the shop?
Maybe get a silicone keyboard cover? There are plenty that wrap around and should protect it all, and are rather inexpensive.
Climbing this mountain used to be a feat requiring great skill, strength, and discipline of body. Unfortunately, the decision was made some time ago to increase access and feasibility of the climb, and now making the summit is simply a matter of money. No longer does climbing Everest mean a great feat to overcome by determination and will, but simply a problem that can be solved by throwing money at it.
I get it, that costs go up and so must the price to access to fund the tourism. But this is simply the next step in finalizing that climbing mount Everest is no Everest.