“Man my girlfriend wont let me go anywhere by myself, I cant just sit and scroll on my phone and eat my breakfast without her sitting there talking at me this is fucked”
"I’ve got an idea.:
“Man my girlfriend wont let me go anywhere by myself, I cant just sit and scroll on my phone and eat my breakfast without her sitting there talking at me this is fucked”
"I’ve got an idea.:
Bill would piss both sides off so much. I feel like everyone would hate him but things would get better.
They were kind of right and really wrong.
Im 40 and married now… remember how nervous tou were just trying to talk to someone you had a crush on? That level of “Powerline up the ass” intensity of feelings?
Yeah these days, firstly if I’m ever single again shit has gone seriously sideways… But I could without a sense of trepidation walk up to Charlize Theron in a coffee shop, tell her how amazing she was in Aeon flux, ask her how she got involved in executive producing Hyperdrive for netflix and then ask her if she would like to grab dinner sometime. Because these days you have to really go some lengths to get a rise out of me.
You really dont.
At the point where he is leaving, unarmed and off the property. You’re pretty much 100% in the wrong and in this day and age catching an assault charge means you’re disadvantaged heavily for the rest of your adult life.
You let a petty theif get away with some petty shit for your own good.
And Ive been saying this for about a decade but I kept getting told that they are idiots and man-children and couldnt possibly be caipable of something that complex.
And here we are.
As a life long 40K fan, I will not publicly admit that I am a lifelong 40k fan. When you make the MTG, Yu Ghi O and middle aged pokemon players look well adjusted…
Trek is better on average, Star Wars has higher peaks and lower valleys.
Nobody hates 40K more than 40K fans.
That “Fucking moron” just dismantled democracy and installed himself in one of the 5 most powerful seats on earth… but you keep underestimating him on Lemmy and see how that works out for you.
RESPECT YOUR OPPONENT. Even if you cant stand the cheeto colored rat bastard.
Ive been saying for a while that the constant barage of Trump and Elon memes makes us think they are significantly less caipable than they are. What are the odds that the commander in cheif of the worlds most powerful military and leader of one of the worlds superpowers AND the worlds richest man, owner of one of the worlds most popular social media platforms BOTH got there by bumblefucking their way to the top? Either “they are smarter and more caipable than we give them credit for by a wide margin” or “We couldnt stop two fucking morons when they told us their plan”… Imagine losing control of American democracy to Pinky and the Brain if it was two Pinkys.
Yep, they used that ladder to get to the top of the wall, if they leave the ladder intact someone could follow them up.
Comments wiil be full of “bUt ChRiStIaNiTy”
Like in every OTHER thread Lemmy wont shut the fuck up about FB/IG/TT/Etc and their engagement algorithms and how they are manipulating society…
Yes, the broken clock is right.
You know every time he does something, someone in the comments makes an idiocracy reference and we all roll our eyes because “Yeah, theres the low hanging fruit guy coming to farm votes” like its an original thought.
Well… Its my turn.
“This Inauguration brought to you by Diet coke. DIET COKE, IF YOU DONT DRINK IT FUCK YOU!”
Honestly I kind of get his point.
I fooled around with some basic beat making software back in the day and was having a lot of fun, so I stepped up to entry level producing software and HOLY SHIT there was a learning cliff I had to climb. It sucked all the fun out of it and I got bored really fast.
People do still want to create and make music not learn how to use a piece of software.
Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.
You wont win this one. If you think of the number of internet users in the world once you eliminate apple users, people who do everything on their phone or a tablet, people who use chromebooks but have no idea that its linux, people who “just buy a new one” whenever their laptop/desktop acts up and people who will never touch anything that isnt a prebuilt with a warranty you are left with an abysmally small number of people in the grand scheme. Thats the filters you have to apply before you get to people who might run Linux… and they are all on Lemmy.
Literally the only thing I like about Zuck is that he doesnt seem to have a pathological need for approval. Sure he is every bit as bad for society, but atleast he is quiet about it.
I know how magnets work and Ive never seen a knife fall off one of these but they still give me low grade anxiety.
Them Final Destination films ruined me.
While you can go to a restaraunt/cafe and buy pancakes. I havent found a premade packet version that just needs warming up that isnt absolute shit.
Give me fresh or give me death!
Watch for the enormous shit eating grin behind the microphone when he says “Hey Drake” on stage.