Roblox removed wine support for linux so its either emulating the android version or running a vm with gpu passthru
Roblox removed wine support for linux so its either emulating the android version or running a vm with gpu passthru
What next? Someone getting stoned to death by pluto???
These companies are gonna complain about piracy being so rampant while making their service so awful that piracy becomes a better choice
If they are gonna put advertisements in the bios then ill flash my pc with libreboot
Wow thats 600 dollars per extra tab not worth it
Honestly with this rate we may even reach 5% on end of this year or maybe even earlier Proton FTW
A state killing its own civilians cause it cant be bothered to see if they are terrorist or not is just distopian
Install the gta 3d games need for speed most wanted 05 and music from 80s to the 90s
This is so inhumane there shoudnt be a country that kills everyone on a zone for “safety”
Only access the real onion mirrors of piracy sites if you dont wanna see disturbing images
Arent most linux distros in DistroWatch open source thus mitigating the malware risk by a ton?
i think adblock use on mobile may be far more limited since google chrome on mobile dosent allow to load extensions on mobile
dont use that its in the unsafe category of the megathread
Irc is probably a nice way to see how chatting was back in the 90s im a gen z and i think its quite fun to just load up a irc client then log on to random irc servers to have some fun
How do people even live with these temepratures??? its only like 40 degrees celcius here in the philippines yet it feels like i need to drink water every 5 minutes
For having a bad singing voice
You should thinker with it like once a week its gonna help you out in understanding linux ;)
if you wanna get familiar with linux you should try it on a virtual machine and since your a newbie your first distro should be linux mint as its ui is quite easy to understand or try it out on your own machine via a live usb
Gamer here i switched to linux because windows somehow stopped reading my storage drive while linux here works fine but aside from a few games not running its quite decent
Around the end of febraury i believe tho there was a temporary fix by forcing roblox player to use a old version tho it would come up with the update roblox error since it was too old