It’s been a pleasure knowing you DumbKid.
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Saturday night special is my favorite one to bring up to the “fans”. Like I can see how you don’t necessarily get the others, but how anybody can hear “a handgun is made for killing, ain’t no good for nothing else, so why don’t we take our handguns and throw them to the bottom of the sea” and think that this guy is just another good ol boy is beyond me.
Cola pulled pork is excellent, I could see cola chicken being alright
I’m always down for a femboy bbq
Brother is my current second favorite major brand. They are breaking a lot more than they used to and the parts that break aren’t worth replacing. Canon is putting out alright printers that seem a bit more robust to me. But honestly if you just put in the money up front even hp isn’t total trash. To get a not trash hp will cost $400, and there’s no guarantee that it won’t get a firmware update that makes it impossible to use third party ink, but it won’t require hpsmart and make you want to kill yourself. So yeah, spend more on your printer, don’t get an hp, and if you’re not gonna spend more on your printer get a black and white laser Canon imo.
In general yeah, but let’s not blame the farmers. They’re shit on from so many directions it’s wild - they’re often locked into deals with specific companies with contracts that can sometimes cost them more money than they make. Tyson is especially notorious for this, requiring the farmers to build specific chicken houses that the farmer pays for, on land that the farmer pays for to raise chickens they’re only allowed to sell to Tyson, all while Tyson can and regularly does choose not to buy the chickens if they’re not selling enough. Farmers have managed to find themselves indentured servants on their own land.
I think you’re right in what you’re saying but not what I think you’re implying. The solution to one problem is mental health regulations, the solution to the other is improper use regulations. Which are different, but fall under the same umbrella.
Either way, taking about cars is exactly where I’d take the comparison because it’s the only other commonly owned (highly effective) weapon in the us. We require a license to use one and liability insurance to own one, then take that license away if you show that you can’t use it properly. That’s exactly what if like to see happen to guns.
IE is still there. You can’t use it anymore but Windows can. I also don’t think they can ever get rid of IE Options - they changed the name to Internet Options but it’s exactly the same and will break so many networks if they ever get rid of it
I’m guessing smoothness doesn’t consider the non-spherical shape of the planet, just the bumpiness of it. But I’m also some random on the Internet, so who knows
I tend to do the same thing. I find it’s very helpful to find other people who enjoy debate, but to keep in mind that we’re the weird ones. Most people find disagreement to be unpleasant and tend to struggle with separating disagreement with an idea and disagreement with a person. My best friend once described me as a good person and a terrible friend - I make it my goal to live up to that.
Actually you meant compliance, security has other random stuff. /s
I can see it going either way. I think it’s gonna come down to apple and Google getting on board. If they adopt tap to pay with this system vendors will have less incentive to accept credit card fees. If they don’t, it won’t become ubiquitous enough for any store to get away with not allowing it and consumers will look out for their own interest to keep taking the credit benefits. (I realize collective action would make that argument void, I doubt true collective action is possible in any senecio.)
That said, I cannot see a world where the banks let it get that far. This system relies on the banks cooperation and it wouldn’t be the first time they bought a law.
This has been my experience. I was still using Reddit on my computer and lemmy on my phone until last week. I’m at the point on my computer now that I was at with my phone four weeks ago where it’s pretty much split between them. I really need to figure out a search engine that captures lemmys since I still have to end most my searches with “reddit” to get useful answers.
Edit: I know I can use “” but that only searches the one instance
You could also just install Firefox on your Android. That may not work in the future, but it will continue to work for now
I did a fair amount of hitch hiking along the west coast last summer. A shockingly large number of people in SoCal told me about their 15 minutes of fame. One guy was one of the CGI pirates from pirates of the Caribbean 3, another had done fairly well in some game show I can’t remember, but the wildest was Jake and Logan Paul’s dad. North of the Sierria Nevada those stories dropped off quickly.
I’m not sure, but I think part of the problem is that the votes are “real”. Since every instance has to have the same number of up/down votes they can’t get away with fudging the numbers. I have no hard evidence that reddit does, but I suspect they do to increase engagement.