I’m sure it won’t have any of the defects of the cyberdumpster.
Pronouns: Sir / Lord / God Emperor
I’m sure it won’t have any of the defects of the cyberdumpster.
May you have to deal with people like yourself for eternity.
Yet another reason I’m glad I use youtube-dl.
How? Biden wasn’t the official candidate yet.
Biden has an opportunity to make speech saying something like, “I’ve decided I am too old for the job, as anybody over 70 should be. It is time for the oldest generation to step aside for their children and grandchildren. It is they who know what the world needs, because they are the ones who will live in that world. The younger generations should no longer elect anyone who is out of touch with their needs.”
Joe being old and tired, and now that is all dead in the water.
Nope. Now it’s trump who’s old and tired. Kamala needs to go after trump and his crime family like she would other criminals and prosecute them in the press. She is a former prosecutor, after all.
I noticed during COVID, I had almost no problems with hay fever. I wouldn’t mind going back to wearing one full time.
Under-shaved, brown-robed and jovial, Benanti is adept at explaining how technology can change the world, “with humans ceding the power of choice to an algorithm that knows us too well. Some people treat AIs like idols, like oracles, like demigods. The risk is that they delegate critical thinking and decisional power to these machines.”
AI is about choices. He points out: “Already a few tens of thousands of years ago, the club could have been a very useful tool or a weapon to destroy others …”
The Italians, not pioneers in the technology, warn that AI prefigures a world in which progress does not optimise human capabilities, but replaces them.
While I certainly do not side with the Catholic Church and their moralistic dogma, it is valuable to pay attention to a group that has made it their mission to think about how humanity is affected by various things. Never mind that they have their own bias in how humanity should be conducting itself. If instead, you treat them as a think tank with a relatively narrow focus, then we can make use of their work in this area.
I’m relieved to see at least one world leader though listening to an expert on technology. The US Congress had a department just for interpreting and researching various high technology concepts, but in their infinite wisdom they decided they knew better and disbanded the department.
One may disagree with the Catholic churches interpretation of their explanations of how AI technology can affect humans, but we would be fools to completely disregard their reports and findings.
Ok, first, it only applies to Type 2 diabetes.
In a remarkable medical breakthrough, Chinese scientists have successfully cured a patient of type 2 diabetes through an innovative cell therapy approach.
Second, it was done on a case-by-case basis. Each person has their own therapy tailored for them. This does not appear to be a mass-solution.
The groundbreaking treatment involved transplanting lab-grown replicas of the patient’s own insulin-producing islet cells into their body. This ingenious approach effectively restored the patient’s pancreatic islet function, enabling the body to regulate blood sugar levels naturally without external intervention.
From the linked article:
According to a South China Morning Post report, the patient underwent the cell transplant in July 2021.
The new therapy involves programming the patient’s peripheral blood mononuclear cells, transforming them into “seed cells” to recreate pancreatic islet tissue in an artificial environment. This approach leverages the body’s regenerative capabilities, an emerging field known as regenerative medicine.
That would be for the legal system to decide. If you purchased it for a specific advertised feature, and that feature was disabled unless unspoken terms were agreed to, you would have a case.
For the downvoters, in the US:
The implied warranty of merchantability guarantees that a product sold to you will work for its intended purposes. In other words, it means you can expect a toaster to toast your bread. If it doesn’t, you have legal protection against losing money on a product that doesn’t work.
If you bought the router expecting it to work as advertised, you may make a claim if it doesn’t. They would have to spell out ahead of time what the limitations and requirements are in order to avoid trouble.
If I bought one of their routers and this came up, I would simply be returning it and giving the person at the counter a printout as to why. Sorry, but this router is not “suitable for purpose”. Look up that phrase and “merchantability”.
You give your top talent what they want. The problem is that they hired a consultant to find out what that was. The consultant, knowing on which side his bread was buttered, told the board what they wanted to hear, which is, after all, why they hired a consultant instead of just asking.
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Did I miss anything?
Wearing a hoodie with the words “We use Math” on the front, Google search boss Prabhakar Raghavan had an important message for employees at an all-hands meeting last month. But he first wanted them to settle in and get comfortable.
Raghavan said Google’s digital ad business had become “the envy of the world.” He noted that over the last three years, annual revenue has grown by more than $100 billion, exceeding Starbucks, Mazda and TikTok combined.
Does this mean you’ll be using math to pay them more for producing more? (have to add /s)
North America was a beautiful place. Then the white man showed up. Been downhill ever since. So, yeah, immigration is a problem. Care to fix it?
Dumping into different spots to spread it out could be a solution. It would add expense to the process, though, and we know how capitalism handles that. As for aquifer charging, the brine is thicker than what was taken out. This adds to the problem in that you’ll need much higher pressure to drive it, or you’ll clog the system at the output point.
If you’re going to go the route of least expensive solution, find an area that is unattractive to human life, preferably a desert near the ocean. Pipe in the seawater, using RO to remove as much fresh water as possible. Then take the brine and send it out to evaporation beds covering a large area. You can recover some more water through that process, but, most importantly, removing the water and leaving the salts and minerals requires little energy input this way. The downside is the acreage required.
If you had a geothermal vent to provide heat, it would make the entire process almost carbon-neutral.
Both the RO and thermal methods are energy intensive, thus adding to climate change, thus adding to water scarcity,
Unlike Imperial Storm Troopers, they sometimes hit their target.
Judging by Musk’s previous styling choices, may I offer this?