I’ve worked in IT for over 30 years. I have come across a lot of people who design terrible UIs and get all pissy when you suggest any improvements. I didn’t in any way want to imply that everybody is like that.
I’ve worked in IT for over 30 years. I have come across a lot of people who design terrible UIs and get all pissy when you suggest any improvements. I didn’t in any way want to imply that everybody is like that.
I think you should look beyond BMX bikes. You can still have a BMX for BMX’ing but you should get another bike for actual cycling. The health benefits are just too great to ignore and as you get older, that just becomes increasingly important. Don’t ask me how I know.
People who produce bad design like that, are often resistant to change.
That’s pretty much the impression I’ve been getting from following the whole thing very loosely.
Dude, I have great news for you! They didn’t stop making bikes 43 years ago! You can still buy one today!
I hope you learned an important life lesson from this about always backing up your stuff.
Overall I like Nebula and I definitely like the idea of it. It offers some respite from advertising madness of YouTube. What i would like to see is the ability to create playlists and the ability to create a more personalized feed for myself.
That’s what the woke mob would have you believe! The water isn’t getting warmer at all! Believe me!
I don’t get why people are so keen on handing over such a huge amount of money just for bragging rights. The midrange is perfectly fine for playing any game these days. Those top end GPUs are getting an absolutely inordinate amount of attention compared to the relevance they have to most people.
Yesterday I spent five hours cleaning out 247 MB on my $50, 1TB SSD. I am very efficient.
They did a lot. Maybe not enough but saying they didn’t do anything is disingenuous.
You should judge these things by their outcomes. If someone is a decent person, because they think it will please their invisible friend in the sky, I’ll take it.
There’s nothing wrong with religion per se. If it helps someone deal with existential dread, all the power to them. Where it becomes wrong is when it’s being used as a tool of oppression, which is sadly very common.
I once saw a TV program where they tried something like this. They had a few dozen people on exercise bikes try to power a normal family home. They barely managed even going flat out with a lot of people. Humans aren’t very good for generating electricity. I think it’s basically impossible to get more out of them than you have to feed them. Our future robotic overlords won’t have much use for us.
Yes. I use Mint. Please help me cross the road.
I have an old convertible that I want to - erm - convert to Linux once Windows 10 goes EOL. Can I use any distro with KDE to use the mobile version or which ones support it? I use Mint right now and I’d like to stay as close to that as possible.
I’m number four to recommend Mint, then. Definitely a great choice for beginners. I’d also recommend starting with a virtual machine. Nuking your Windows installation without a fallback is not a good idea.
You just use a mirror. Geez, people, read your mythology!
Now do the song!