I guess he’s finally lost it completely.
Mostly harmless
I guess he’s finally lost it completely.
Something… something… Schrödinger
I always had trouble with running dual boot, mostly because I don’t really have a clue about all this stuff. So the consequence was to ditch Windows. Never going back.
I’ve been using Fitbits for the past couple of years.
A sleep tracker really helped me. The worst thing about sleeplessness is the fear of sleeplessness. Seeing that you did actually sleep, even though it felt like you were lying awake all night, really helped me put things into perspective. Also, it’ll show everything you do wrong, like go to bed too late, drink etc. That way you always know why things aren’t going well and you can also see how being disciplined helps.
Ah well. I guess a reinstall every couple of years or so isn’t such a bad thing.
I switched my Mint install to Pipewire already. Just hope that won’t mess up the upgrade.
There’s Easyeffects. I don’t know if it is equivalent but it certainly has more features than I could ever hope to be able to use.
You can pray all you want. They will alter the deal. Enshittification never stops.
Where would one find custom Pipewire profiles for specific speakers and would those work for an unwashed Mint peasant like me? I have external speakers for my PC but the sound has room for improvement. I tried tweaking with Easyeffects but that is not really that easy if you have no idea about sound engineering.
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You don’t want to know.
Cool. I’ll try that tonight.
Thanks. I’ve had some problems with TigerVNC. Do you know any good guide on setting it up?
I tried to install TigerVNC but I got nowhere with it. Do you know any good guide or tutorial for seeing it up?
Care to elaborate? I have looked at various VNC servers but i haven’t found usable documentation on setting them up.
Maybe put in the title that it’s for RISC-V? Otherwise people will just say use Mint.
That’s what myths are.
I’ve heard a theory that it was a myth based on the transition from hunter gatherers to farming. In the Euphrates and Tigris triangle, living conditions were very favourable for humans and may have seemed like paradise in hindsight. Then population pressure triggered the transition to farming, i.e. toiling “by the sweat of your brow”.
Cool. I’m a dude and pretty old, though. Having a baby might be a bit of a problem.