I listened to a couple of episodes about 6 years ago. They weren’t that great.
I listened to a couple of episodes about 6 years ago. They weren’t that great.
I’ve never heard this word.
Yeah look, everyone has to find their own way, I’m not trying to make the case that catch & release is going to be better for everyone, and there’s certainly a case to be made for archiving.
The thing that eventually got me was maintaining a big raid array. Lots of heat, power, drives dying every now and again. When it only takes a few minutes to download something and I never go near my bandwidth quota (or it’s unlimited maybe) going to catch & release made a lot of sense. I’m not religious about it but I generally delete things after I’ve listened / watched.
I’ve been catch and release for 5 years or so now.
Archiving is such a huge drain on time / effort / resources.
Wait, you mean when we genocide people they become radicalised and support whatever organisation with defend them? I’m shocked.
Playing sounds? sure.
Rearranging keys - hell no.
Fair point.
There’s nothing wrong with Lemmy growing in an organic sustainable way, but I dislike the attitude that lemmy ought to be a reddit replacement or that lemmy should grow from the ashes of reddit.
Lemmy should be it’s own thing with it’s own culture and history and communities.
I get a bit peeved when lemmy users (not necessarily you) get a bit obsessive about transferring communities to lemmy from reddit. Just focus on creating good content for Lemmy and forget about the rest.
I’d like to see a sudden growth in Lemmy and fall of Reddit, but I don’t think it’s anywhere near
I don’t. Let the idiots stay on reddit. Leave lemmy how it is. Is it so terrible that one might have to visit reddit to find some niche communities?
Wasn’t there like a bot defense team that published a ban list or something but they just gave up during the exodus?
week old BO over the average deodorant
That’s a false dichotomy though. The obvious third option is to shower every day and wear clean clothes?
Yeah 100%.
Imagine around the advent of readily available photo prints. People might have been thinking “this is terrible, someone I don’t know could have a photo of me and look at it while thinking licentious thoughts!”
Yeah it’s a poorly considered generalisation, but the point is you’re not going to be getting emails from your service provider.
Yeah a lot less for a lot better.
Also, people paying for Usenet subscriptions since forever.
Wow that’s pretty great.
I thought you guys were on par with Australia but in fact you’re making us look bad - that’s great.
Australia here. SMS is the lowest common denominator. I use it to talk to clients all the time.
I’ve heard of the blue bubble thing but only from yanks I think.
Yeah I’m not trying to imply that I’m some kind of file organisation wizard.
I use zettlr for my personal notes and that has search so I guess that’s enough to get me by.
Librewolf - browser Syncthing / synctrayzor - file sync Notepad++ - text editor WinSCP + putty + friends - interacting with Linux Zettlr - knowledge base / markdown editor Keepassxc + browser integrations
I’ve tried this a bunch of times but I don’t really get it tbh.
What sorts of things do you search for?
Everything I need is in an organised structure.
I mostly agree with @shadejinx. I would add that when editing the same note on two separate devices syncthing will at least fail kind of gracefully in that you’ll whatever.md will still be there but you’ll see an additional whatever-conflict-hash.md along side it so you can easily fix it up. Synctrayzor for windows will give you a nice notification and UI with which to resolve.
Nextcloud is great but it’s a real behemoth. Loads of stuff you don’t need.
IDK what you mean exactly but I sync between computers and devices just fine.
Since no one else has said it… 80 days podcast: