Thanks much
Thanks much
I have pixel 9 which is my first pixel phone. I agree
What movie is this?
I guess the Jordan Peele reboot of the twilight zone episode: The Wunderkind wasn’t too far off
Someone fucking mirror it
Fuck is Pixel going to go away? Apparently the pixel 9 sold well
Why was SCRAPING off the proverbial table??
Fuck. How bad is this…??
Is this going to take out VPNs as well?
Nope. Work or starve. If you need handouts you’re a “useless eater”
Child or not you need to “provide value” or you don’t belong in our new regime.
He said it not me
Yet they need ACE to shut down piracy sites
What season did he leave? Was it 3 or 4?
Seriously Disney, where is it. (Seth Rogan directed reboot)
I use RDX still if my Internet searches come up with a reddit page (technical troubleshooting)
Excellent app
This is definitely to avoid the ire of fuhrer trump. It’s also coincidence that meta is abandoning fact checking right before the new administration
He will sic the dogs of regulation on them if they don’t dance to his tune
Oh shit I really like the sound of that. That will replace my Linux Mint hard drive install that I play around with.
Well I like the sound of that…How is it with NVIDIA hardware…? I’m guessing it’s KDE Plasma as well?
I’ve heard Bazzite is not friendly to new Linux users and it’s not recommended for people who don’t know Linux.
Is this true?
They need to ban CSAM telegram bots in Matrix first
Man everyone is talking about it