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Cake day: February 5th, 2025


  • In short, Kant said people should be the goal, not the means.

    It’s ok to make yourself dinner.

    It’s ok to make your friend dinner because you want to make them happy.

    It’s not ok to make your friend dinner because you want to have sex with them.

    It’s not ok to make your friend make you dinner because you don’t want to cook.

    Every facet of capitalism is exploitation by design as profit is unpaid labor. However classless socialism isn’t automatically devoid of exploitation.

    None of us asked to be here. I certainly don’t want to be here anymore. Placing the value of a life upon the imaginary lines it landed between, how much money it’s parents had, or the color of it’s skin are all pretty fucked up.

  • Some of this is objective. Some is just nostalgia.

    You can still download music and play wow. On this front you probably miss simpler times when you weren’t aware of problems you are now or resent responsibilities that took you from things you enjoyed and make you feel old.

    On the other hand, society globally is markedly worse than before COVID with substantial right-wing shifts.

    Unfortunately, end of days accelerationists and techno fascist billionaires have been working quite hard to make the world a worse place for several decades…

    So I largely agree. Personally, in terms of skills and assets, I’m in a much better place than I was 2000 years ago. However, in terms of happiness and hope for the future… I actually still had some then.

  • Being selectively informed by a media outlet isn’t the same thing as factual journalism.

    One of the huge roles of Fox News is to lower the bar for what’s considered ‘actual’ journalism by different outlets owned by the same billionaire class.

    The Overton Window has been shrinking and drifting right for decades. There is no left in the United States. https://politicalcompass.org/uselection2004

    “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and Black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or Black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and Blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”


    Viet Nam was very unpopular directly due to front line coverage we don’t really get anymore as a result of Reagan nuking the fairness doctrine and birthing Fox News to drag all other media right filing it with ads and misinformation.

    Democrats are not left because “left” starts at identifying capitalism as a net bad rather than net good.

  • A huge percentage of the problem is what people think is left.


    Hilary was right of Trump, just less authoritarian. The whole caravan spectacle was basically fallout of her time as secretary of state under Obama.

    Liberalism coopted equality from socialism. Rainbow capitalism will underpay and shrinkflate all the poors equally in the name of the shareholders.

    Conservatism coopted a man being entitled to the sweat of his brow. Profit is what’s left over after reinvesting in the business and wages. Every cut corner of quality and penny of retirement savings denied is more riches for the ruling class. Workers eagerly defend their bosses entitlement to the sweat of their brow.

    Media plays the masses that deserve both against itself.

  • The ironic thing is the human body runs on fat and a huge portion of our illness stems from the insane amount of sugar we consume.


    Summary: In 1984 our group published the first modern study of the effects of adapting to a low carbohydrate high fat diets on athletic performance. I have spent the next 31 years expanding on this research. In my presentation I will present the results of that research program and conclude with our exciting new evidence for the role of low carbohydrate diets and ketosis in the prevention of whole body inflammation in athletes training daily at very high loads. I will also present evidence to show that elite ultra-endurance athletes have an unexpectedly high capacity to oxidize fat during exercise and so potentially to run at fast paces for prolonged periods without the need to ingest exogenous fuels.

    The 1928 Bellevue Stefansson Experiment McClellan W, et al. JBC 87:651,1930 http://www.jbc.org/content/87/3/651.f… Keto-adaptation Demonstrated Vermont Study Phinney et al JCI 66:1152, 1980

  • Something like 80% of all theft at this point is unpaid wages.

    You have to understand that a system that calls corporations people is inherently violent. Profit is unpaid labor, so the existence of a tax code that not only allows -but celebrates and defends- billionaires is class warfare. If you steal $1000 from a store, the police show up. If the store steals $1000 from your paycheck the police tell you to get a lawyer with a $5k retainer. The store’s existence isn’t hampered by the $1,000 while most families would be ruined without out.

    However, the only instance of the crime the system cares about is the one against the corporation.

    Corporations are the only people that don’t have to worry about eating. Corporations are the only people that don’t have hands for handcuffs. Corporations are the only people the law cares about.

    Corporations own the media. Corporations own the red ones. Corporations own the blue ones. Corporations own the food. Corporations are eager to own everything the DNC will meet the RNC half way in privatizing.

    We are here because infinite money now equates to infinite speech. We as individuals have ever less speech because we have ever less money. Unions are being crippled now and soon protesting itself will become a crime against the state.

    It will be a crime to speak out. It will be a crime to be different. It will be a crime to work too slow or think too much.

    When every notion of freedom becomes a crime, crime becomes our only freedom.

    Ready Player 2 mother fuckers.