That’s actually a big negative compared to Obsidian. It’s just a bunch of markdown files in a folder, so you can sync them using e.g. git and manage conflicts that way
That’s actually a big negative compared to Obsidian. It’s just a bunch of markdown files in a folder, so you can sync them using e.g. git and manage conflicts that way
How does this differ from Obsidian?
The Handmaid’s Tale
Brave New World (kind of dystopian…)
Fahrenheit 451
What’s an NPA?
Use gluetun, look up how to configure for your provider. Run a 2nd container for your torrent client, using network_mode: “service:gluetun”
to run all your traffic though the vpn. Note that if you’re forwarding ports from your client to e.g. access the web UI, you’ll need to forward them from the gluetun container instead.
What do you mean “when”? You can create a community on an existing instance right now, or you can run your own instance if you want! Just check out the docs.
You still have to have indexers, so you need to deal with them indirectly, but the UI is sooo much nicer. Sonarr/Radarr are pretty easy too. If you know your way around docker you can get it up and running pretty quick.
Unemployment generally only measures the percentage of people who are seeking work but unable to find it. Those who don’t work because they are otherwise taken care of aren’t usually counted. That’s actually the source of the discrepancy in the article so the headline is bs imo.
I’m all for reducing our working hours as a population though. More productivity should equal less work, not more GDP
An the issue is only inside the network? I’d complain to IT about that, yeah. Maybe they are overriding the DNS record with their own DNS server or something.
Can you set your own DNS servers on your client devices? Does cloudflare or quad9 resolve it?
Do you have a static IP? If not, have you tried some kind of dynamic DNS like DuckDNS?
It’s not NAS specific, it’s platform independent - that’s the whole point. You have an application you want to run, and you package it all up into a docker image which contains not only the application but it’s dependencies and their dependencies all the way down to the OS. That way you don’t need to worry about installing things (because the container already has the application installed), all you have to do is allocate some resources to the container and it’s guaranteed* to work
*nothing is ever as simple as it first appears
One area where this is really helpful is in horizontally scaling workloads like web servers. If you get a bunch more traffic, you just spin up a bunch more containers from your server image on whatever hardware you have laying around, and route some of the traffic to the new servers. All the servers are guaranteed to be the same so it doesn’t matter which one serves the request. This is the thing kubernetes is very good at.
Edit: see caveats below
Wage Labor and Capital - Karl Marx. It’s very small but I’m taking my time with it
I’m in kind of a rotation of Sci-Fi (last: Children of Dune), classic novels (Dune kinda counts but my last from this category was Lord of the Flies), and nonfiction/leftism
What exactly is Hyprland? I looked at the site quick but I couldn’t quite figure it out from the description.
Disclaimer: I’ve only ever used Linux servers, not really as a desktop beyond vanilla Ubuntu
Huh I wonder what would discourage them from working together with Israel. Must just be one of those things I guess.
“Gong show”
Chaotic or poorly organized
The graduation ceremony was a total gong show, even the principal was drunk
Actually I’ve just taken a look and found the feature that you are talking about! I totally misunderstood, I thought you meant the comments under a post which is why I was confused. There already is a view of all comments on one pile, and those don’t seem to be threaded… which to me is madness. I don’t really see the added value of that view but I totally agree that, given that is exists, it should be threaded.
Maybe we don’t mean the same thing. Comments on Lemmy are indented and under their parent comments, just like on Reddit, and you can follow the conversation that way. That’s what I mean by threading.
That’s only with Sync. But the notes are just markdown, so you can also just use GitHub or whatever to sync them. They never need to hit Obsidian’s servers, and that’s actually the default because you have to pay for Sync.