I wonder if they gave Elmo two left feet on purpose.
Long lips 👄
I think your Rs are good, I think Rebel, Resist, Refuse might roll off the tongue better (I think)
It’s always been a rich man’s country. All for one, none for all.
“hey guys social media manager here. It was all my fault. It’s not our CEOs fault, at all. Just mine. Who am I? Well I can say my name definitely doesn’t start with an A and end in a Y. Just little ol’ faceless nameless me. Tee hee sorry.”
Dope af. Good job on the fabrications.
I don’t see how any government functions after the first few days. By that time, everyone knows they’re looping. So why go work? Maybe a small percent will but a vast majority of people will just do their own thing. No need to worry about job security when you’ll wake up tomorrow with the same amount of money.
Personally, I think the world would probably be very pleasant if we all looped. No one would be able to take anything from you, since you’d get it right back the next day. Might just be boring after a couple thousand loops, as no new movies, games or news would be able to be produced.
I have the same theory about white holes being big bangs but black holes are constantly taking in matter. Do small black holes produce the same level of parallel universe? Do super massive black holes produce bigger universes? Does it matter since the universe they spawn would also grow infinitely? Since the universe will experience heat death, does that mean each subsequent universe will have less and less matter until there’s a final black hole that forms?
I read an article about how there’s theoretically black holes older than the universe, which spawns even more fun questions.
The Internet access should be classified as a utility but good luck getting ISPs to stop lobbying against that
I thank (and many many others) Bruce Almightys catch phrase “B-E-A-utiful” for remembering/learning how to spell the word.
I was hoping it’d get a ton of traction with the remasters but steam charts/DB numbers don’t look promising.
Mine. Love this artist.
I wasn’t curious about your friend until this comment lmao. Cheers friend.
That pinky looks like it’s trying to be a thumb
Same here. It’s company policy to review remote workers space to make sure it’s not in a place where client information can be overhead/people can see the screen. My boss is really lax about it and just requires me to unblur for a minute, tops.
For the life of me, I cannot get people i know to care even a little bit about their privacy when giving it away let’s them scroll TikTok endlessly.
I took it as “Put him, alone, in the middle of people his country is currently genociding so so he can see the horrors of Genocide, the kind his own people once faced. This should reframe why his Nazi salute was a poor decision.” But I can see how it can be interpreted the other way by looking at the “with no help” part.