That’s a fly, not a bee. Probably a hover fly. There are many insects that cosplay as bees.
I was kind of hoping hate filled communities wouldn’t be a thing on Lemmy. Sadly, everything’s the same everywhere you go.
Clarification: I think NFTs are really stupid. I would even say I hate them. But I don’t need a community based around hating something. No one should.
This was simply the first example of a “hate” community I’ve seen on Lemmy, so I spoke up.
Are you implying that content creators don’t themselves want more views and subscribers? Of course they do!
“They only use thumbnails and titles that get views and subscribers because if they don’t… they won’t get views and subscribers since Google isn’t pushing their content.”
That’s what it sounds like you’re saying.
You wrap the whole box in a blanket, sides and all. It’s not hard. I told the blanket in 4, then put the box on one half of it, then just flip the other half over the box. The sides get covered, too. It keeps the pizza super hot.
That’s not at all required. Just wrap the box in the blanket and it’ll still be really hot when you get home. The blanket just needs to be both above and below the box.
Know what I use? A blanket! Works extremely well.
If you’re subbed to Adobe and cancel, it, you can’t do anything with your files. So Adobe not only owns their software, but your work as well.
You know other programs can open PSD files, right?
Nope, they were mostly local users.
Speaking of not fast… I just got 8 comment replies in my inbox that were made up to 3 days ago.
I made a post and got “network error”, but it turns out it went through anyway. Took three tries to not get the error, so I ended up making three posts. Had to delete the two extras.
“Tileable” is a better term to use in the future.
Got my mind on my money and my money on my mind.