I have an old 60 inch 1080p TV from the early days of smart tvs. It has a built in app for plex and youtube, a remote that works as a pointer, it’s insanely slow but it has zero ads and I’m never ever getting a newer model.
I have an old 60 inch 1080p TV from the early days of smart tvs. It has a built in app for plex and youtube, a remote that works as a pointer, it’s insanely slow but it has zero ads and I’m never ever getting a newer model.
The article doesn’t mention how it compensates for different keyboards. Like wouldn’t different switches and wear change the sound?
My absolute favourite is definitely The Ancient Magus’ Bride but close second and third would be Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke.
They are called mother bee in Estonian.
That too. I actually didn’t think of that because roads here aren’t in a grid like ever so I failed to understand how numbering your roads would even make it easier.
It’s because one road is indistinguishable from another while malls, towers and tall buildings in general are quite memorable.
I’m in my 50s and I can’t do paper maps. I can navigate just fine without Google maps but I navigate by landmarks while paper maps seem to rely on knowing road names, which I don’t.
It will depend on the person but for me personally I love crazy fashion, my ideal world is where everyone dressed like they were in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. So a necklace with a massive gemstone that looks like it contains the souls of a long dead race is ideal.
I’m not sure what I’m gonna do with a computer in the woods but I guess Windows 7 if I have to pick between those.
Do you mean ancaps? Because I’m pretty sure most libertarian would be for universal healthcare. I have heard Americans use libertarian for ancap which are pretty opposing ideologies, I’m not sure what’s up with that.
I don’t doubt it, Apple has never had good gaming performance. But a non apple laptop in the same price range with X86 aimed at gaming can run it a lot better.
I’m pretty sure the old AMD APUs from the Bulldozer era can run factorio and that’s like a decade old.
Like sure, it’s some metric but I’m pretty sure any computer produced currently can run factorio.
That heavily depends on what the previous machine was. Like factorio runs on my laptop without taxing the system much more than just idling and on my desktop I can’t even tell it’s running based on performance monitoring. So yea, I’m not sure factorio is a good indicator.
Yea, obviously, that’s the case for most people. A lot of people for who a chromebook would be enough would not be effected, yea but for example software that isn’t getting new updates and like all gaming would just not work on other architectures currently.
I don’t use apple’s stuff but alternatives to X86 could be the future. The one thing they need is compatibility with X86 software otherwise mass adoption is heavily crippled. It doesn’t matter as much for Apple’s stuff since their whole ecosystem is under strict control but for general purpose consumer hardware that compatibility is required first.
This is from January, at this point they must be pretty prepared.
Eastern Europe would be a yes. I know Germany is super anal about copyright but dunno about the rest of the EU.
He’s not wrong but also I believe there’s a saying in English about stones and glass houses.
I’ll find one on the used market or do whatever it takes to fix it