And where is that?
I would prefer to be able to criticise identity politics and peoples self serving egos that maintain the status quo of capitalism
You don’t think it’s funny?
No, the point is they result in the same outcome just with a different path.
Ask yourself what results in the outcome of, everyone owning everything or everyone owning nothing.
Then come to the UK in my area they hang these stupid fucking flags out there windows, on bins and bus stops pubs and logos.Just fuck off.
No I just don’t like seeing the same brand and advertisement everywhere.
Exactly, confirmation bias in action is the joke meanwhile down voting actual memes because “conservative joke”
So let me guess you guys hate the red pill call them incels but down vote a video mocking them because of fat shaming despite it showing the hypocrisy of the projection.
The fact that a literal non-meme has been upvoted on a meme sub says it all.
Considering the down votes I guess it hit a nerve
Take thy upvote with grace
Yup, and programme into you that identity politics is the solution to your problem despite it being the problem causing people to fight over stupid shit in order to sell shit. And if anyone is to bring this up well they are obviously guilty of being a racist, sexist, homophobic evil mansplainer who is worse than Hitler etc etc just because you don’t like looking at a particular coloured flag everywhere you go.
You know the more intimidation you try to shut down discourse the more I want to throw it in your face.
I still would of posted regardless
Funny, yeah years ago it was easier to find interesting unique content. To quote slavoj zizek “when you think you escape it into your dreams, that is when you are within ideology”.
Yeah it’s overwhelming, I think we should just turn the internet off for a month nation wide.
And they claim socialism/communism doesn’t work…
You know identity politics is getting worse when generation identity establishes itself in Liverpool. I would prefer to go back to multiculturalism than diversity and inclusion.