Make sure it’s a blind test ;)
Make sure it’s a blind test ;)
The visual difference of the minimoon and supermoon is not that great, see here but hold your phone at arms length. This is the maximum difference (taken 6 months apart) that the moon ever is relative to itself. In practice, from one night to the next or one month to the next the difference is barely noticeable.
When people say “the moon was huge tonight” what they are generally seeing is the moon illusion
The reference to seasons is badly worded, but what I was referring to is that the earths seasons have nothing to do with how close to the sun it is
no, it’s not. it’s a meta analysis of multiple double blind studies. multiple
“For the children described as sugar-sensitive, there were no significant differences among the three diets in any of 39 behavioral and cognitive variables. For the preschool children, only 4 of the 31 measures differed significantly among the three diets, and there was no consistent pattern in the differences that were observed.”
if you did the same with cyanide you would be able to conclude that “taking cyanide and being dead is positively correlated” even if there were other causes of death. in this wide summary of multiple double blind experiements, there is no correlation between sugar intake and child behaviour. that’s not to say kids don’t act up and get hyper, but it’s other causes, most signficantly parents just underestimate how hard kids find it to regulate themselves when having treats of any sort (non-sugar included) or being in a party atmosphere with friends.
I listed it because it’s one of the things I would sworn by too having seen it first hand. However when you conduct a double blind experiment, kids still get excited at parties / treats / days out / when their friends are over when there’s no sugar in the treats.
In otherwords as parents we massively underestimate how excited or crazy kids can get just because they’re excited and not because of something in their bloodstream…
No. At least, it’s not the general cause of ‘middle age spread’.
The base metabolic rate refers to how your individual cells respire when at rest. And a brain cell in 20 year old respires much the same way as a brain cell in a 45 year old. Same for all other organs. There is a gradual decline but it’s on the order a single percents.
Organs and tissue at rest respire at different rates, so some of the change people notice is due to change in body composition. Muscle at rest burns twice the calories as fat however this is still only a minor contribution.
Base metabolic rate doesn’t vary much at all. The vast difference in daily calories consumed as one ages is general activity level.
Overall metabolic rate = base rate (varies a little on body composition) + calories burned in general activity (varies a lot)
People typically are less active between 20 and 40. This is not just sport but also lifestyle. People become more efficient in their habits as they age. They drive instead of biking or walking. They sit in the sun on holiday with nice food and wine rather than dancing all night. Etc
Lifestyle choice is the primary cause of excess calorie intake and ‘middle age spread’. Not “my metabolism that I can’t do anything about”.
My history might be dusty but I don’t think Hitler ever said he intended to become a dictator before people voted for him. His subsequent deception once in power is what you might refer to as the coup.
Trump on the other hand…
It is a coup if people vote for it?
that putting the thermostat up higher will heat the house up quicker (edit: I have in mind a bog standard UK home thermostat)
that sugary sweets make kids act “hyper”
that the moon’s apparent size is due to how close it is to earth (same for seasons and the sun)
that your base metabolic rate slows as you age and is primarily responsible for you putting weight on in middle age
A lot of market speculation is based on forecast profit. If new info = lower profits that means exit your position asap.
Probably because many pop science articles will mention that the background radiation of the universe is at about 2-3 degrees above absolute zero. Plus things like the night side of mars being freezing, pluto being a frozen rock, comets being made of ice etc…
Just give a number out of ten.
Is this a fragment of a sentence? Because it seems like an incomplete thought.
If there’s further information to come in the sentence with the monkey as the subject you could use brackets to indicate your thought and write…
“The monkey (about whom I’m wondering: ‘can they see my ears?’) did something or other…”
This isn’t strictly grammatically correct, but seems to be the most natural way it could be written and said without sounding weird.
Or is ‘monkey’ an answer to some other question and you’re adding that other information for context? If so, you could use a semi-colon.
“What’s bothering you?”
“The monkey; I’m wondering ‘can they see my ears?’”
I read a lot. I would read more.
If it does then we also lose the ability to even say that that’s what it’s done. And if that’s the case then has it really done it? /ponders uselessly
I like to think somewhere researchers are working on actual AI and the AI has already decided that it doesn’t want to read bullshit on the internet
Jokes on you; when technology allows, me and my partner are going to end our marriage by melding into a supermech powerrangers style and our wedding rings will fuse to become a laser cannon
It’s predictive text on speed. The LLMs currently in vogue hardly qualify as A.I. tbh…