This reads very well!
I think starting the statement as a request for help in the analysis really works.
This reads very well!
I think starting the statement as a request for help in the analysis really works.
I just fuckin finished All You Need Is Kill, that was a neat story!
In a Groundhog day loop, I can tell you that suicide would become so much more casual…
Well that’s queer…
And you seldom bring anything serious into the bedroom…
Hah, look at this guy! Amateur, right??
OP: “god, it’s hard being a paraplegic and trying to run…”
You: “guys, don’t listen to this asshole, being a paraplegic means you can’t run. If this person were actually NPD, it would be an extremely positive sign for them to seek to improve themselves and since we can see this person trying to improve themselves, they are clearly lying and manipulative. Classic NPD.”
Log off and touch grass. You can come back when the stench of your self righteous diarrhea of the mouth fades.
I think you raise a very valuable point here. “Narcissist” is so often used simply as a label for the villain with no consideration for the terms use as a medical diagnosis.
In your case, you may be labeled a narcissist but you make a continual conscious effort to account for the weaknesses implicit in that diagnosis. This is different from the vitriolic insult so often used to condemn people.
This is a failure on our part, in the way we use the term. You may be (technically) a narcissist, but, you are not “evil” in the way that others popularly labeled “narcissists” are. You are a good person.
Ahhhh gold old nuclear boyscout…
That is my understanding. I remember hearing stories about dudes visiting a dump or whatever, kicking through the screen of a CRT and getting zapped like fuck
I find an effective means to resolve my anxiety is to consider the worst possible outcome and resolve within myself if that is an outcome I can withstand.
Hmm… I haven’t observed that pattern myself so I can’t speak from personal experience but… if you’ve got right-wing-douches complaining about your work that might be effective advertising to your target audience?
I have a question of my own that isn’t quite related but is in the same pond of water. I’m considering writing a story from the perspective of a post-op trans-masc person. I worry about a trans story coming from my mouth though, I’m a cis het white male American.
I have begun composing the story based on the following logic. Before I worry if I’m the right person to tell a story, I might as well write the story first and judge its merit once it exists. Plus, I could then take the story to trans people and ask them if this story feels honest/respectful.
My question is this I guess, does my logic make sense? Are there any points you would recommend I keep in mind as I work on this story?
I’m in your seat.
I understand that all these platitudes about how a person should behave are good things, so I try to do them. I try to be a good person in all these ways and try to not be an asshole is all those.
And here I am as an unhappy mid-thirties autistic fuck with unfilled needs. I don’t understand how to weigh my own needs against all these platitudes, if I need it but it’s bad to seek it in any of the ways available to me, then I won’t get it. Simple.
Whereas other people have some magical spectrum they measure things on that tell them when it’s okay to break any of the rules they believe in because “this was right for me”.
Edit: Excuse me, I’m really grumpy today
Heh, also me too, though the autism is unrelated to the brain injury
Hey! Me too! Was your prosopagnosia home grown or was your brain also hit by a truck?
Ohhhhhhh! I have a friend named Miranda and once I was around a Spanish-speaking friend of hers and when this woman would pronounce Miranda’s name, I would hear “me-landa”
But that’s what you’re talking about! The “r” sounds have a little tap to the roof of the mouth… Okay, I’m experimenting with this, I had never noticed before how close the “n” sound was to the “l” sound…
Thank you!