A plagiarism machine is as sentient as a dummy is in a ventriloquist act.
Could we have sentient AI in the future if we don’t slip into neo-fascism while char-broiling the planet?
Yes, but not yet.
Gargle + blaster = Gargleblaster
A plagiarism machine is as sentient as a dummy is in a ventriloquist act.
Could we have sentient AI in the future if we don’t slip into neo-fascism while char-broiling the planet?
Yes, but not yet.
During the Iraq War, Kurt Vonnegut was asked about the anti-war protests… His response was that, during Vietnam, he was part of anti-war protests firing on all cylinders and laser-focused and going to stop that war. He said it was ultimately about as effective as climbing to the top of a ladder and tossing a pie on the ground. This time will be no different.
So I don’t know what you’re hoping to gain. The ‘Ima take my ball and go home’ approach didn’t work out so well in 2016. Threatening not to vote isn’t going to phase anyone in a country where more than half the population doesn’t vote anyway. Maybe instead of threats you should work with other people trying to help the people you want elected get elected.
Ate a platter of 3 different fried insects. I think it was wood worms, bees, and crickets. The bees were the best.
None of them were horrible. Would do it again.
Out of those 3 options, I would prefer the flashlight.
Even if you already have a flashlight, you can always find another place that would benefit from one nearby.
I also just say that I don’t buy in at all to Darn Tough socks. This person can’t where any other brand of socks? Bullshit. You can just buy new generic socks before you get anywhere close to the price you’ll pay for gourmet socks.
Also depending on the person’s interests, getting them a boardgame could be nice.
OMFG, my fucking nose is gone!
Chrome is feeling its numbers drop, so they’re backing off until people stop paying attention. Then they’ll go right ahead with the plan.
The original Twilight Zone.
Night of the Lepus
Go to an employment agency/temp agency.
There’s paperwork and possibly tests before you can actually get work. Do all of that now so that you don’t have to wait while they process the paperwork if you get furloughed. Be sure to explain that you’re expecting to get furloughed.
With the holidays approaching, retail stores may need extra staff. Not yet, but post-thanksgiving.
I’ve never done it, but there’s the payment for taking surveys online.
I agree with others that the car is a major money sink. Can it sit in the driveway and wait for you to get through this?
Paying a friend to drive to work together probably costs less than gas + insurance + repairs.
Who came before Socrates? I don’t think there’s any historical evidence of his existence other than Plato talking about him simply because he’s so far back…unless you’re talking about beyond Greece.
I came here to say this. The Tao of Pooh and the Te of Piglet by Benjamin Hoff are also solid reads.
Pomelo. Like grapefruit without the mess.
And, conversely, when Disney horks some small artist’s work, Disney will out-lawyer them.
I see this turning to shit in a year or two. Maybe less.
deleted by creator
I could say job-related things or my hobbies, but Ima go with Google-fu. Maybe just search engine fu.
I know way too many ‘first page people’ when it comes to results. No fuckin’ way. Learn how to dig. Do not take no for an answer from a search engine without trying a range of strategies to find what you’re looking for.
OK, I’m lying. This is part of my job. I teach academic research, and I hear these people with two sources tell me there aren’t enough sources for them to do a research paper on a given topic or that all these peer-reviewed journal articles say the same thing.
But it does extend into non-academic life. I was out of town, my older brother needed a U-Haul, drove 40 minutes to a place he knew, but there was a U-Haul less than 10 minutes away that he couldn’t find.
I’m surrounded by this.
Is the song Brain Damage?
People who die while driving are almost all die by accident.
People who get shot are far more likely to be killed intentionally.
That’s probably true.
But you have to spend at least a little time with someone to judge their behavior.
The problem is that people are pre-judged based on their race, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or lack thereof, nation of origin, first language, and a boatload of other things purely based on these factors without any personal contact or observation of their behavior.
Hence the word prejudice.
Likewise, people take the misbehavior of one or a small group and and apply it to everyone with the same characteristic.
Hence prejudice and stereotyping.
So the purpose is to protect them if someone overclocks and fries it, meaning they know if you take it in under warranty and say you want this faulty part replaced?